Friday, January 27, 2012

Bully Beatdown (Biblically)

okay bullies! So you think you can denigrate me with abandon and escape any and all punitive measures? YOU SYSTEMATICALLY TRIED TO SABOTAGE MY SELF ESTEEM, WITH YOUR WORDS, YOUR SNICKERS, YOUR SIZABLE JEALOUSY, YOUR MACHINATIONS TO BRING ME PHYSICAL HARM. You, the mighty Babylon, the oppressors...your oppression short lived however, because God replenished the self esteem and confidence you ransacked. You think Im gonna let you ruin my destiny? Retaliation is not even in the cards, you have no class, all I have to do is sit back and revel in the spectacle of you spawning your own demise, killing your own selves with cruelty - corruption of your own souls, punks! So what I had cheerleader girlfriends, so what I got a blog and you dont? So what I can speak my mind and your mind is obfuscated unabashedly obtuse? What does that have to do with me...jealous covetous guy? GET YOUR OWN GIRL, DISCOVER YOUR OWN SPIRITUAL AND PHYSICAL GIFTS - GOD DAG! You feel me?

Mike Im calling you out, Carlton Im calling you out, Brian, Charles, Mike, ANTon, T.Rone, Dan, Greg, GERMoneey, Brad, Greg, B Hopkins, Steve, who else? Jeffrey, so many guys I dont even know the names of.... whatever....all you punks....I hope you make it to heaven or whatever, but I most longingly hope you burn first ! Purge away all your proclivities to bully people...HAA! Oh yeah, and all people who were racist to me before...HA!

----------/Im Glad There's A Purgatory Pt (1): Bully BeatDown

A hapless man downtrodden sulking by rivers of reflection
refuge his respite, lonely and longing. Scars and brands from whips
(markings of subjugation)
longsword and bow the arsenal of callous students, coworkers, pseudo
friends the army service men of the most idolatrous governance.
Nebuchadnezzar informing harm susceptibility by the unintelligent
acquiescence without consideration: gangstas. Riding horses high
of haughtiness and bravado, leather armor crafted from conceit. Memories
by the banks, currents of torment while shackled by depression
onerous chains of insecurity impotent self esteem unable to break free
overtime, my hair like my will disheveled. Putrid breath elicits Snickering sinisterly sneering shouting sing a song - pretty boy, a subsequent punch in the hall, colluding masses to inflict mass assault captured in the field of battle of the poorly supervised school system of Maryland (at that time)
I was in Jerusalem with my own insecurities, chanting and humming hymns
sweet incense; (just trying to get by)attacked
(dragged by ears body limp blood profuse)
unexpectedly dashing in by darkness (moon veiled in cloud cover) and destroy the temple of my trust in humanity's general goodness,
heinous assailants. there was no stone of hope on top of stone
everything was razed everything then became paranoia
thinking as I walked to class "is everyone against me?"
you jeered and asked me to sing again when my soul lost its savor
you mocked me in church, scorned me at work
Recollections of Edom serene days conjuring up prayer then God was
my only reprieve. Elation on decatur street...
I knew then deep within redemption would come as I steadfast cherished
salvific streams in place of strenuous captivity
envisioning revenge
I knew in time you art to be destroyed happiest as I witness someone
reward thee as thou hast served
the Judge draws nigh doling those despondent awareness of curse.
reconstituted Temple....Jews freed I am thejesusmetaphor
you classless and base in society influence fading,
you do not matter anymore do you? In my mind I dasheth all your little
insults against me against stones. Giddy as in purgatory
you burn
Persian flames...torched

(then come the Maccabees of my indepence)

Psalm 137:1-9
By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion. We hanged our harps upon the willows in the midst thereof. For there they that carried us away captive required of us a song; and they that wasted us required of us mirth, saying, Sing us one of the songs of Zion. How shall we sing the Lord's song in a strange land?If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning. If I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth; if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy. Remember, O Lord, the children of Edom in the day of Jerusalem; who said, Rase it, rase it, even to the foundation thereof. O daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed; happy shall he be, that rewardeth thee as thou hast served us. Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.

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