Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hey Fellas....Ever Feel Like Crying, Man?


Its just one of those days for me. Im cogitating about all the instances in which I gave a girl my heart and received rejection in return. Its like I feel I give a piece of myself to each girl Im interested in because emotionally and mentally Im ready to marry them, assuming everything will work out between us. But when things dont work out I feel more and more of me is missing...almost like I've lost myself as often as Im heartbroken and denied love.

It just seems like I've reached my breaking point in these regards and Im ready to start bawling off in a corner somewhere or run far far away from my present environment and circumstances, but since Im a writer - guess what I'll do as a coping mechanism???

This is dedicated to all people at their wits end... to all people who feel like giving up....to all people who want to be loved but it hasnt come yet and it seems like it will never come.......thejesusmetaphor is riding with you! Trust me I understand your pain

I'm here to say it'll be okay, alright! With God anything's possible (Matthew 19:26). Heck, you may even find love tomorrow!!!! Anything is possible tomorrow

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