Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Glorious Infirmities Prologue

Man, this poem is dedicated to all the people who feel I have used this blog as an instrument of torture and persecution. To all the people who surmise that everything I write about is a huge jest, or prank pulled in the name of cruelty and malevolence.

I never meant to hurt anyone through my words - as any writer will attest, penning emotions is not an option but a function of the psyche. I only write because I cant muster the courage enough to speak to you in person, or the courage to deal with my emotions deprived from writing. This blog is an expression of my life, and you just happen to be incorporated into it...this has nothing to do with me propagating some agenda or some clandestine attempt to harm anyone.

I am a passionate person...if I love then I will proclaim it from the rooftops and if I hate I will bellow it from my bowels. That is not to say I dont use discretion, but the words I do use, they are heartfelt. I only mean to pay you tribute because you have affected my life in some sort of way. You may never speak to me again, you may never love me the way I wanted you to love me. But know that you impacted my life and left a memory that I will not soon forget.

I cant make you love me, or like me or respect me. But thejesusmetaphor, like the Apostle Paul must go on preaching...though I am the chief of sinners in your eyes, I must keep on writing. I hope you have strength enough to forgive and move on...

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