Wednesday, August 4, 2010



[The setting is a DC metropolitan area ground level train station bordered by chain linked fences cordoning off various trees and shrubs from the train tracks. A cement canopy with cement pillars shelters the passenger waiting platform, supplied with black backless metal benches with additional glass shelters spread out longitudinally along the length of the 300 yard red marble/steel composite platform. The crescendo of a braying train engine sounds in the background as a southbound train approaches, and would be passengers jostle and scurry towards the edge of the platform anticipating a quick entry and priority for whatever vacant seats may remain on board. This is when Tony sees from afar a comely female sitting on one of the benches blankly staring in silent reverie about something. As he stares she seems to sense someone watching and her eyes break instantly in his direction and they are deadlocked in stare Soon after, they are spontaneously transported to a vast grass plain with a wall of evergreen trees on its northern border and much further in the northern distance, an enormous mountain range. The remaining landscape to the south is just a sea of endless grassy knolls. The partly sunny sky is ocean blue with the few clouds slowly coasting eastward on a cool trickling spring breeze. The two are still locked in a gaze with neither seeming to have the intention of breaking the euphoric silence. THEN, TONY SPEAKS!!!!!]

Ive been waiting for this moment all my life
to stare into your eyes
to be born, to grow old, to die
and to be born again, to grow old again, and die again
like a recurring dream
countless lives spent consumed by you
and your beautiful smile
and your hair
and your soft fingers cradling my face
oblivious to the world around us fading
Im bound to you until the sun grows cool
and the sky is rent in two
with no star left lingering in the sky twinkling
because no matter what happens, our love will remain
our love will remain
and know: there is no more me without you
you are my everything
the muse of inspiration for all my reverie
the cup of water I drink
the food I eat
the wind, the dove perched on a branch
the stray snowflake on a mountaintop
remind me that your intoxicating presence
is love's panorama of life painted on the canvas of my heart
in the finest detail
with the brushstrokes of my enthusiasm for this moment
full of pride, full of joy
Your soul is what I long for forever
I put it on as a necklace wherever I go
and I want to travel the world with you
have dinner at the base of a waterfall with you
with a curtain of water secluding us
and ride the clouds with you sitting on my lap
I cant imagine you not being here
to share the milestones of marriage, family and retirement
together with me
watch movies with me, frequent restaurants, bars, cabarets,
cotillions, banquets, cruises
do everything with me –
ride a bus, brush your teeth, go to the mall -
because we can never return to our former state
I am finally awake, finally alive, finally content
and without you everything would be perpetually bland
food tasteless, music rhythmless, the air suffocating...
a world permanently rendered black and white
colorless mediocrity
I cant wait to kiss you and hold you at night as we fall asleep

(you are my dream come true, thank you for being)

"For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife and the two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate." (Mark 10:7-9)

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