Thursday, June 30, 2016

Crisis In The Courtyard

* Jesus pray for me
* Peter, John pray for me
* Saints pray for me
* Dedicated to #TONYANDPETE

+--------Crisis In The Courtyard; The Thoughts Of Saint Peter By The Fire

Im not cold, really, but my soul’s
acutely frigid, discomfited by sudden
gelid wind gales of a fate unknown,
chattering its teeth within as my heart
restlessly and recklessly seeks
solace in any tinder, delirious before
the crowd's courtyard blazes. The man
that antagonized winds and sea, fed five
thousand, rebuked Beelzebub
as a slave, merely – where is He?
Powerless before staves, torches,
swords lowering his eyes to a weak
mob badly masquerading as Caesar's,
a “legion” not yet Roman. Now my life
is suddenly imperiled, a danger I never
knew before. That “Jesus” standing
before the High Priest, Im not sure I know
him anymore. Not sure I know him.

------John 18:18
It was cold, and the servants and officials stood around a fire they had made to keep warm. Peter also was standing with them, warming himself

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