Thursday, June 9, 2016

The Ark Of The Covenant Stolen; The Defeat Of June 8th, 2016 #TonyandSteph

* Jesus pray for me
* Samuel pray for me
* Saints pray for me
* Dedicated to #TonyandSteph

+--------The Ark Of The Covenant Stolen; The Defeat Of June 8th, 2016

Steph, last night Lebron James,
Kyrie Irving and JR Smith were rabid
indignant Philistines fighting for the
pride of Aphek, Q Arena, brandishing
formidable armament -they slew 82 points
on the court as thirty thousand foot soldiers
of Israel in battle strewn across soil of
tenacious defense, blood on leaves. Rage of
Game 2’s shame. Shuddering
at themes of Hophni and Phinehas’, the
Splash Brothers’ 3 point ballistics humbling
Egypt (OKC), they cruelly usurped
the vaunted Ark of the Covenant of Warrior
Glory with excessive force, like  an army with
no soul searching for it (winning by 30 points).
“Be strong Cavaliers!!! Lest you be swept
by Golden State. Be men and fight!”
Lebron argued. And the slaughter was great,
the two sons Of Eli felled, hung in Cleveland.

------1 Samuel 4:1-11
Now the Israelites went out to fight against the Philistines. The Israelites camped at Ebenezer, and the Philistines at Aphek. The Philistines deployed their forces to meet Israel, and as the battle spread, Israel was defeated by the Philistines, who killed about four thousand of them on the battlefield. When the soldiers returned to camp, the elders of Israel asked, “Why did the Lord bring defeat on us today before the Philistines? Let us bring the ark of the Lord’s covenant from Shiloh, so that he may go with us and save us from the hand of our enemies.” So the people sent men to Shiloh, and they brought back the ark of the covenant of the Lord Almighty, who is enthroned between the cherubim. And Eli’s two sons, Hophni and Phinehas, were there with the ark of the covenant of God. When the ark of the Lord’s covenant came into the camp, all Israel raised such a great shout that the ground shook. Hearing the uproar, the Philistines asked, “What’s all this shouting in the Hebrew camp?” When they learned that the ark of the Lord had come into the camp, the Philistines were afraid. “A god has come into the camp,” they said. “Oh no! Nothing like this has happened before. We’re doomed! Who will deliver us from the hand of these mighty gods? They are the gods who struck the Egyptians with all kinds of plagues in the wilderness. Be strong, Philistines! Be men, or you will be subject to the Hebrews, as they have been to you. Be men, and fight!” So the Philistines fought, and the Israelites were defeated and every man fled to his tent. The slaughter was very great; Israel lost thirty thousand foot soldiers. The ark of God was captured, and Eli’s two sons, Hophni and Phinehas, died.

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