Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Plow

* Jesus pray for me
* dedicated to Lecrae, No Regrets

+------------The Plow; Jesus' Words to His Disciples About Going Back

"Yesterday your heart was an unkempt
field neglected, overrun
with towering and intractable wild grass, strewn
with unsuspecting ornery weeds, the angst
of your heart brooding on past regrets,
and a soul plagued by unrelenting
worry on matters of unrequited romance,
wealth, and prestige.  But that was before
the ploughshare of full knowing cut beneath
the top layers of your callous indifference
to seeds of true love, faith and hope
in better tomorrows.
The awareness of potentiality for smiling,
eternally even,
like dragging an iron blade over cynicism,
dry cracked dirt, oxen hunched over with
parched throats and brittle tongues
begging for rain,
pulverizing your skepticism in the divine.
But now you know a better way to
live: that it is more blessed to give than receive
more beneficial to plant for others
than to reap for oneself, that purity
and genuineness before man
satiates and surpasses sex, women and wine,
property, power and prestige
before Caesar.
This newfound passion for living
was begotten by Truth-
a message of Holiness born of a Virgin
(whose husband manufactures tools
of agriculture)-
this Tall and Rustic Farmer walking over
the grave of your despair tightly clenching
a wooden earthboard handle and furrowing,
furrowing repeatedly until all the ground
inhospitable for harvesting a joyful spirit
was turned over and your mind was
finally enlightened, sprouting from the earth
like a crop; The thorns, thistles
and birds of ignorance and naiveté
sliced, or scattered and fled. Today then,
marks the first glorious day
of the rest of your life, the best years
lying ahead,
and there is no turning back,
because the past has been uprooted"

-----Luke 9:57-62
As they were walking along the road, a man said to him, “I will follow you wherever you go.” Jesus replied, “Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.” He said to another man, “Follow me.” But he replied, “Lord, first let me go and bury my father.” Jesus said to him, “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.” Still another said, “I will follow you, Lord; but first let me go back and say goodbye to my family.” Jesus replied, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.”

---No Regrets Lyrics

[Verse 1:]
(And they say) You only live once so live it up tonight
I hope we live twice cause I can't wait to give up this life
Don't get me wrong I love my fam and my experience
Been around the world and back seven wonders I done seen 'em
Number eight is just us wonderin what happens when we perish
And I don't want no regrets I'm a tell the ones I cherish
That I love 'em thinking of 'em on this red eye flight to Paris
If I die before I wake at my wake please tell my parents
That your son will positively wake in paradise
Life is like a pair of dice so watch the ones you rollin with
Roll the clip of my life you gon' see a bunch of empty bottles
Broken hearts and blurry nights, Facebook likes and twitter follows
I'm not livin for today cause tomorrows looking pleasant
And the future is a gift even though this is the present
Yea I do believe in heaven but my actions ain't the key
Them gates remain locked if everything follow me

So let em know that when I come to the end of my road
And they ask me was it worth it
The hurting, the pain, and the life I chose
I'll do it again in a heartbeat, heartbeat, heart heart heartbeat
I'll tell 'em I'll do it again in a heartbeat, heartbeat, heart heart heartbeat
And I die with no regrets

[Verse 2:]
You not a leader cause they follow you on twitter
And you not a man based up on your age and your gender
If you die tonight you'll probably die a boy
Chasing toys objectifying these women thinkin they gon' bring you joy
Don't you want more than last night's braggin rights
What's yo life?
I know it's hard to think about underneath these flashing lights
Scratch the surface money's worthless when it comes to finding purpose
If you keep the end in focus you can't keep it when it's over
And when it's over there's something else starts
Only thing that's really gon' matter is that hope inside your heart
What you trusting in what you lusting in
For that busty momma that's strutting in
And you popping bottles you throwing dollars
That's cool but partner this just in
That you gon' live forever whether you want to or not
Some of us gon' end up holy some of us gon' end up hot
Tell this life to keep my problems kiss my momma when I'm gone
Tell her I have no regrets and I'm home I'm home

So let em know that when I come to the end of my road
And they ask me was it worth it
The hurting, the pain, and the life I chose
I'll do it again in a heartbeat, heartbeat, heart heart heartbeat
I'll tell 'em I'll do it again in a heartbeat, heartbeat, heart heart heartbeat
And I die with no regrets

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