Wednesday, July 8, 2015

My Kiss By Force #EmmaKissTony

* Jesus pray for me
* Saint Matthew pray for me
 * Saint John the Baptist pray for me
* Dedicated to Emma Watson

+-----------------My Kiss By Force

Baby, when I see your red hair I see fire,
I smell smoke of the defeated Philistines
(my singleness)
ascending into ether. Memories of
every girl who ever hurt me
stick to the ground as dried blood
of fallen warriors,
now looted, their shields now rusting.
(The most fearsome Giant among them,
the only one I ever fell in love with
who left me and married an older man,
felled by five smooth stones
of you nonchalantly flicking tresses
from the front of your face to
the side of your ears.)
Your smile is armed with divine charms,
trumpets of joy, horns of passion,
sterling white teeth the Ark of the Covenant
that degrades and cracks the walls of my heart
from within, one glance at your laughter
and my sturdy wall of self-control topples
into piles of rocks strewn indiscriminately,
me swooning ecstatically, incapacitated
in Jericho
as if you marched around me
for seven days continuously.
Your body sustains my desire, like the
sun standing still, the moon refusing to obey
its course, stoically standing above
all my ex girlfriends: Amorite
foes of my torpor, my listlessness and my
dejection at being spurned and passed up,
of my self confidence razed to the ground,
raided and burned, oxen and crops
of my hope in eventual Romance stolen away
and offered before the Pagan gods of

Emma, I have been through so much,
the warring, the battling for love….
…my scars….my tears….my paucity….
did you think, after all of this,
I’d let you walk away without asking you out?
To be with you would be my Heaven-
angelic smile, celestial hair, your utopian
and I’ll be Damned if I don’t make
an earnest attempt to take your affection
by force.
Let my kiss be a sword, that we both
live and die by.


--------Matthew 11:10-13
This is the one about whom it is written, 'BEHOLD, I SEND MY MESSENGER AHEAD OF YOU, WHO WILL PREPARE YOUR WAY BEFORE YOU.' "Truly I say to you, among those born of women there has not arisen anyone greater than John the Baptist! Yet the one who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and violent men take it by force." For all the prophets and the Law prophesied until John.

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