Wednesday, May 18, 2011


*dedicated to Shoko Nakagawa, Flying Humanoid -

Yo yo son! Yo son! I SAID yo son! Yo, yo, yo, yo son, people is saying love is dead son! They be sayin dating is a game and the players mere objects, or means to an end son! And those who try in earnest, unabashedly, passionately to find true love are weird, desperate or scary! Well, even if I continue to scare every single girl I express interest in away, by the intensity of my emotions, or just sheer incompatibility, I promise I will never give up on love. I will not hate all women, I will not categorically disparage the notion of a committed relationship, or refrain from a fierce desire to find a mate for my soul. To do so would allow all the previous girls who passed on me to claim victory. My heart has been battered but not broken. Apostle Paul said it right when he stated: "We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed." Nahm saying???? I may be scarred by the antics of some of the most coveted objects of my heart, they may have denied me access to romance, but I PROMISE NEVER TO GIVE UP. LOVE REIGNS. Ya ya ya diiiigggg?? let Shoko show you the way!!!

--------------Song of Solomon 8:6-7
Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame. Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it: if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be contemned.

-----------/What Is Falling In Love Like? Its Like Flying

Falling in love is thinking of the one you love
standing on a grassy knoll being windswept
at the afternoon sun and the passing clouds closing
your eyes and holding your breath for a split second
just to zero in on your palpitating heart, over which
you place your hand and smile
and the gusts intensify until the sunset heralds the moon
as you open you eyes and catch a glimpse of
a stag and doe running next to each other
reaching your hands to the moon in exultation
and letting the air push your fingers forward
into a balled fist
then it is holding hands with your girl
(as an overpowering warmth cascades from your head to feet)
as you stroll on a waterfront and take the flower
from her ear and toss it in the water
sending out a wish for undying love with the ripples
the concentric circles increasing in diameter
like sonic echoes to the universe with each jubilant expectation
and cheery memory of your past dates
then it is the parting veil on her face
as her father watches adoringly
kissing her lips
time stops
and like a panorama you behold the tears of singleness
the angst and frustration of rejection. Watching
movies alone conjuring up anger and apathy for love
then you see her walk into your life
as the past becomes a faint mention
as all becomes new. The death of the jaded you
the rebirth of innocence, vulnerability and emotion
affecting you so greatly you knew she was so integral
you couldn’t bear to let her go
then it is like surfing a gargantuan wave
exhilarating, never fearing the crash
as throngs of awestruck bystanders cheer
and you point to the sharks
of hatred, of giving up on love, of dishonest and disingenuous daters
of miserable maidens maliciously moping and seeking men to destroy
warning them to scurry from your path
but mostly falling in love is
a magnificent, grand dream waiting to come true
even if it means going to sleep
for a lifetime in the process
and letting your imagination fly

-----Flying Humanoid Lyrics (Translated from Japanese by –

I can see the new magic they have ten years in the future in the sky…
I looked up at
Within the world I flee from by continuing to chase after it
You don’t have to worry

At the speed that tears away time
Dashing through it, drifting through it
While swaying in the sky

We took off
The map of the future looked disastrous
Spreading and spreading our broken wings
Now it’ll start
A voice calling someone
Dyes and dyes dawn

Riding on a rocket flying to ten years in the future
Beyond dreams
Within this world, tired enough of spreading widely
I wonder how much I should grasp onto

Because there's no such thing called eternity
Like throbbing, like numbing
While biting down on my heartbeat

We took off
With our hearts thoroughly shut
We open and open the door of tomorrow
Now let's make our way
To a place that everyone hasn’t seen
I'll thrust that proof up to my chest

I only get lost and cry repeatedly…
Because there’s not just one answer
I'll turn the engine on
Towards the sky, defying gravity

We took off once more
On the map of the future that looked disastrous
I gathered the pieces of hope
Now the story overlaps
The wishes I drew link together
They cross and cross the horizon

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