Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Looking Into Their Eyes Again

---------/The Exorcism Diaries Ch. 2 - Looking Into Their Eyes Again: The Thoughts Of The Woman Freed after 18 Years

Its always the voices that you internalize
that wreak the most havoc
hunching lies
sloping slander
but despondency's takeover doesn't begin until you relinquish your mind
(losing your convictions, your identity in the process)
and consent to believing what the cacophony of naysayers
spout. Worthless sham, weird woman, useless daughter
undesirable and ugly (she was never pretty)
culminating to the point where your sorrow feels like a weight
forcefully and violently pressed down on your back
that you cant resist because you know you don’t deserve better
than to crouch and look down at the ground the rest of your life
(shamefully watching your reflection in pools of tears)
insufferable pain, emotionally tormented
because all you ever wanted was to be accepted
enfolded in someone else’s arms who loved and cared
kissed on the forehead
but by now you cant even find one justifiable reason to stand up
you don’t see the need
when all those around you would just jeer
and mock and deride
the way they have for years
at least this way no one can peer directly into your eyes
and see a girl with a perfect spine, yet broken
bent over perpetually, in an everlasting sigh
awaiting someone to call her forward
and dispel those aspersions that have haunted her
for so long
to exploit the calumnies
with a warm touch that publicly affirms her worth
that somehow to someone somewhere she is beautiful
just because she is; and actually mean it
assuring her that dissenting opinions don't matter anymore
because true love found is like weighty shackles loosened
forever set free from crippling infirmities
standing tall again
hair flowing in the wind

----------Luke 13:10-13
On a Sabbath Jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues, and a woman was there who had been crippled by a spirit for eighteen years. She was bent over and could not straighten up at all. When Jesus saw her, he called her forward and said to her, "Woman, you are set free from your infirmity." Then he put his hands on her, and immediately she straightened up and praised God

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