Thursday, November 18, 2010

A Dumb Profession of Faith

And he was casting out a devil, and it was dumb. And it came to pass, when the devil was gone out, the dumb spake;

and the people wondered. [Luke 11:14]

--------------------/A Dumb Profession of Faith: The Words of The Dumb Man Exorcised [The Exorcism Diaries Ch 1]

Sinister silence,
senseless soliloquies shouted
sojourning self-scorn
seamless sadness shrouded:
behind a wall of frustration and incapability
trying to present a dialectic on language without a voice
to a world that has become a metaphor for misunderstanding
and people synonymous with contempt and derision
for the words heard are incongruous with actions observed
because dialogue was taught to mean and presuppose reciprocity
mutual sharing of minds and souls
and genuine interest in the thoughts and opinions of the Other
....that all are benefitted in these exchanges
but that is a lie
you want audible enunciations and not signs
immediate recognition in your tongue and not delayed gestures
through hands (and attempted grunts)
talk you say – but it is not speech you are interested in
but similitude
and that is my greatest offense to you;
I am nothing more than a heinous criminal
possessed by a spirit of inconvenience that is
an affront to conversational unity and identity
that compels you to reassess how to communicate consciousness

It must surprise you then, to learn
the only vice I will acknowledge is that of being afflicted
restrained from the mundane ordinariness
of being treated with the dignity worthy of my humanness
able and expected to attain to virtue (in this Jewish Roman society)
just like everyone else
and I only repent for allowing perceptions to persuade me
that this evil muted the righteousness I was born with
and that the Almighty never heard the sound of my voice
because in His eyes, dumb people never lost the ability
to be taken seriously, to speak

(or to be understood, or to be set free)

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