Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Chasing Jennifer AKA J-*EF

*Dedicated to that girl who keeps running away from me. Jennifer I will never stop caring for you, loving you...even if you dont love me. I write these poems to get the word out and to proclaim to the public my ardor for you. You are a special woman....In writing this, I sense maybe we will never be together due to circumstances beyond my control. But you know, I wish you and I could have somehow worked out, and I feel to some degree you do too. Everytime you read one of these things, know that it is written with a huge emotional weight on my heart. You mean alot to me, even though we havent spoken for almost a year now. You think to yourself, he must be crazy how can he love me, you dont know me? Jennifer, I know when I know. Keep running, perhaps into another man's arms. But realize and conclude I will never stop chasing you..at least figuratively speaking...

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