Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Jennifer, MY LOVE. ITS ABLAZE FOR YOU like a bush


Then Pharaoh gave this order to all his people: "Every boy that is born you must throw into the Nile, but let every girl live."
-------------------[Exodus 1-3; Jennifer, My Love for You is a Bush Burning...Forever]

When we met
They put me in a basket, Jennifer,
they were killing babies...
even then my love for you was under seige
Shiphrah and Puah were the two midwives
of fate and never letting go
delivering me from hard truth (Pharaoh)
[.....that you could care less]
attempting to abort aspirations of you and me...
seeking a refuge on my behalf; my only solace a
papyrus basket with tar and pitch
an obstinate heart with grandiose affinities and steadfast loyalty
floating aimlessly
praying for the arms of Pharaoh's daughter
a chance at reformation, to start my quest for you anew

I tried to walk out on my own from there
seeking out my identity in the desert sands
of loneliness
of tears
but the hostility of the truculent social caste system
that says some other guy is more worthy of your love
in Illinois
is inimical to our bond
its too much to bear - its like an egyptian beating a hebrew
or a hebrew beating another hebrew
tearing my soul inside me to shreds

So I run to Midian
its my last resort, its me typing on a laptop at 11:16PM
proverbially sitting by my well of despondency
the 7 daughters of Jethro like opportunity
keep passing me by
but I want to help
and drive away the shepherds that keep telling me to move on
because Jennifer,
my love for you is holy ground
when I look into your green eyes
I want to take off my sandals
in worship. I love you Jennifer, I love you, I love you
my love for you
its like a bush burning but not consumed
screaming I AM (yours)

Now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian, and he led the flock to the far side of the desert and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. There the angel of the LORD appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush. Moses saw that though the bush was on fire it did not burn up. So Moses thought, "I will go over and see this strange sight—why the bush does not burn up."

Kill Hannah "The Chase"

The Chase Lyrics
Artist(Band):Kill Hannah

"Drive" you said
"Just blow me away"
We don't wait to be saved
We'll dream wide awake
Words that you said
Were holes through my brain
And I'll never be the same again...

You can pray all you want
We're not coming back oh...
All these thoughts, they just fade away...

The chase is on
If you run
I will follow you...
And I belong in your arms
Dying next to you
The chase is on...

"Drive" you said
With tears down your face
I've got to see the stars
Is that so hard?
Secrets that day
I'll take to the grave
Yeah, no one can catch us now...

You can pray all you want
We're not coming back oh...
We're the phoenix above the flame...

The chase is on
If you run
I will follow you...
And I belong in your arms
Dying next to you
The chase is on...

The chase is on
If you run
I will follow you
And I belong in your arms
Dying next to you...
The chase is on
If you run
I will follow you...
The chase is on
I belong in your arms...

The. Chase. Is. On.

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