Thursday, September 24, 2015

THE EMO BIBLE: James Chapter 1

* Jesus pray for me
* Saint James pray for me

“An epistle of straw,” WE BOTH KNOW…MAAAAAAN

+-----THE EMO BIBLE: James Chapter 1; James’ Thoughts Before Writing His Epistle 

As a boy I heard the stories
from the Twelve
concerning the innuendo
of the trial, an innocent man
sentenced to death amidst
an outcry of public scorn,
gold heedlessly pitched into
raging and unforgiving fire,
the miracles he performed
discounted or discredited,
true renderings of
his speech lost in Pharisaical
translation of its own
blinded partisan passion. Afterwards,
the night before,
rats clawing at the tips of His ears
ringing with acute accusations of guilt,
the putrid smell of urine
permeating his jail cell, the iron
bars rusting and peeling.
They say he was hoisted
naked on the tree, that
before strangers he hung
most shamefully immodest,
the ridged crown puncturing
his brow, rumor has it, was his only
covering. Here was this
nice guy being derided
as “King of Thorns” by people
he came to help, his people:
nails in hands
for raising the dead, a leather
chord repeatedly flaying back-flesh
as remuneration for feeding
the famished, gambits for
his bloody clothing as the blind’s
quid pro quo for the rough scales slit
and suddenly shred from
their eyes,
translucent irony.  

These thoughts are paradoxically
comforting to me now.
Every night the harassment
gets more severe:
Roman legions routinely knock
at my door with varying harassing
and captious enquiry about the gods,
not my gods.
Whenever my sister leaves to
collect water at the well, she
returns shedding tears
over the clay shattered, another of
her beloved jars embroidered
with love. Before I sleep, in the sky,
those two red stars outside my window,
spinning madly,
I know them, Caesar’s eyes
lusting for my life. What I am trying to say
is that deep within, we all know, for me
particularly, follower of the Way, the end
is near.
But like Jesus, I have come to
see the End is where Life truly begins,
to count it all joy when
falling into various trials
so that I may “be perfect and complete,
lacking nothing.” Because when
I see Him in His Kingdom,
one day resplendently robed
in Redemption, a bright smile
that spans eternities on His Face
full of preternatural wisdom,
we’ll both agree- it was all worth it.

----James 1:2-8
My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.

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