Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Last Rites

* Jesus pray for me

+-----The Emo Bible – Matthew 27: Last Rites; The Full Text Of Judas’ Speech to the Chief Priests Before Throwing Down His Bag Of Money 

"Sweat and gobs of phlegm on wool
sheets, body convulsions that
effect ear splitting salvos, looping
echoes of self-induced trauma dispersed
into Oppressive Roman air
as my head nearly splits the board
of wood,
all these fears inside me like
tremors rattling the frame, dispelling
a troubled face contorted, tossing
and turning amidst the aeonian,
apoplectic and ironically self-affirming
This….my newfound constricted life
I cannot escape. When I open my
front door, I hear
rotting oak creaking within my soul
as the corresponding door of
hope somberly shuts itself in
worlds of spirit. No matter where I walk
paranoia chases me like a
crescendo of marching soldiers,
clangor of spear and swords
against shields, causing me to
abruptly duck and hide
from harrowing sounds of war
even while in public baths naked.
(Oh, only if the waters could save me,
if only I could wash and be clean
of my betrayal!) Alas, sadly, in madness
one can only find relief
in the wilderness, howling while
flanked by fiery fiends lurking from
hell beneath, eyes hollowed.
Leaning back against the tree fated
for me I feel Satan drawing close
from behind, as if
draping his long disparaging
arms of foreboding around my chest
through the trunk,
softly assuring me “friend, the end of
all of this is near.”
Believe me when I say this
to you brother Priests: I was wrong,
and these pieces of silver you
furnished me with,
cursed hammer that slammed
against metal of malice engraved
with the face of the Anti-Christ
thirty times, is of no value in the land
to which I shall depart.
I am and was the agent of chaos
– not Jesus, Im sorry."

(Sin is never worth it in the end....)
  ---Matthew 27:3-4
Then Judas, who betrayed him, seeing that he was condemned, repenting himself, brought back the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and ancients, Saying: I have sinned in betraying innocent blood. But they said: What is that to us? look thou to it.

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