Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Foolish Judas Reseeking Anne

* Jesus pray for me
* Dedicated to Anne Hathaway
#CrushingonAnne #IamJudas


+-----Foolish Judas Reseeking Anne

Anne I swear to God I regret
it, every girl I ever dated,
every girl I ever loved
a silver coin stuffed in a flax
pouch of now
lamenting memory, firmly
latched to my heart’s
belt robe. Trying to date
has been like skulking beneath
mildly flickering Temple torchlights
in Jerusalem shirking
my own shadows of guilt fleeing
even the faint snaps of twigs,
assuming ghosts of remorse
approach to utter shrilling
recollections of past heartbreak.
(Losing what you did not realize
you loved is perpetual shortness
of breath, the crazed panting of
Beelzebub within, claiming
the soon to be damned.)  Oh baby,
each dawn disowns me,
each sun ray each morning on
my face shining does nothing to
assuage this grief of full knowing,
the darkness does not disband
before its biased luminosity.
I did not recognize your beauty,
divine, until late,
a wayward apostle forever losing
his way in a fallen world
of selfish women, I was
too obtuse to behold your
eyes as halos, your arresting
black hair as a miracle of
virgin birth, your lips as two
celestial treasures heralded by Archangels,
a choir of them serenading
what has already been coveted
by all wise men. Oh if I could take
it all back! If I could take back all
the overtures I made to others, those 30
silver pieces of dumb
decisions, the time spent pursuing people
who never ever wanted
me to love them!

I betrayed you, Anne,
by opting for this money over love,
cheap expedience instead of invaluable
and exploiting your charm for the world
to see; a galling crucifix forever standing
between our chances to be together,
flesh impaled by rusty nails on hard,
unforgiving wood. How could I do this?
You are the cute celebrity that
ennobled me years ago, every movie you made,
like an invitation extended
to follow the only
Savior of my soul’s romantic aspirations.

(I want to kiss you sooooo bad! Forgive me Anne?
Date with me Anne? #CrushingonAnne #IamJudas I should never have
asked any other girl out, I should have only pursued you!!!!)

-----Matthew 27:3-4
Then Judas, who betrayed him, seeing that he was condemned, repenting himself, brought back the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and ancients, Saying: I have sinned in betraying innocent blood. But they said: What is that to us? look thou to it.

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