Monday, August 31, 2015

My Heart's Withered Hands

* Jesus pray for me
* Dedicated to #TaylorDateTony
* Dedicated to Of Machines, An Autobiography
“…This is the golden rule,
Keep what you have……..
…..'cause it's all we have left”

[Okay guys, listen to this song (lyrics below) before you read my poem, making sure you put your lighters up at the 4:45 mark and wave them slowly, sentimentally with eyes wide shut. Then around the 6:16 mark start clapping! Clap for #TayTay!!!! #Kanye may be running for Prez, but you guys know we all need to cast our votes for #TaylorDateTony!!! (Sorry Calvin Harris, please don’t pound me! Eek!!!) Tell Taylor, to cherish this poem…because…its all we have left!...(that is until she dates me!)]

+-----My Heart's Withered Hands; The Thoughts of A Man With a Withered Hand/Heart

Taylor, my heart once held its
hope of finding love, fingers
caressing romantic
joy close to the soul, like
a mother weaning her child, deep
-seated dreams giving suck to
budding potentiality of someone’s
hair flitting against my nose
one day,
face to face with the woman of my
dreams, laughing, smiling
while dancing beneath passion’s
moon. Oh those effervescent rains
of bliss, like water to me, from the sky
of mirth, the moisture of
my zeal. But that was before
the drought, when the showers of
optimism ran dry from the searing sun
of scorn, scorching winds (singeing
lips that used to kiss)
and arid
denunciations from girls I esteemed
so dearly.
Over time my heart became
brittle from waiting for ‘the One,’
cracked skin, morbidly drying palms
as all hope slipped through these
withered hands. Desiccant eyes cried out.
Oh Taylor,
when I watched you last night on the
#VMAs, though, I was a supplicant
in a synagogue of mercy. When I beheld your
graceful spirit forgive #Yeezus for his wrongs,
your sultry sauntering on stage while
singing superb song, your buoyant
acceptance of your Video Of The Year award
(with your drop dead gorgeous crew),
I felt my heart reach out
deep from within me. Your blonde hair
like re-circulation of blood in my veins,
your blue eyes like flesh expanding
around a broken, frail metacarpus
encouraging it to grasp what it once
thought lost (dropped). Oh baby,
what Im trying to say is, what Im asking,
is that if you kiss me I will have the strength
to pick up the pieces
of shattered marital longings,
if you put your hand in the small of
my back, firmly, and dance with me…
the hands of my heart will be made whole.

(Despite the misgivings of Calvin Harris, that tall handsome Pharisee inimical to my advances towards you.)


--- Mark 3:1-6
And he entered again into the synagogue; and there was a man there which had a withered hand. And they watched him, whether he would heal him on the sabbath day; that they might accuse him. And he saith unto the man which had the withered hand, Stand forth. And he saith unto them, Is it lawful to do good on the sabbath days, or to do evil? to save life, or to kill? But they held their peace. And when he had looked round about on them with anger, being grieved for the hardness of their hearts, he saith unto the man, Stretch forth thine hand. And he stretched it out: and his hand was restored whole as the other. And the Pharisees went forth, and straightway took counsel with the Herodians against him, how they might destroy him.

---An Autobiography Lyrics

Living in recession.
It isolates the time that's past by.
And it feels so long.
I reach for that line I can't hold on,
I can't hold on...

I can't see what lies beneath the words.
Where have I been?
Where have I been?
Between what rests in my soul and what's given.
It will never...
It will never weigh the truth.

I won't give up!
This is not where I stop!
The truth it lies and there is faith behind the frames!

I have a lot riding on this.
And I can't afford to give up now.
The scene's repeating.

I have a lot riding on this.
And I can't afford to give up now.
The scene's repeating.

I won't give up!
I've come to the conclusion that there is no escaping!

I have a lot riding on this.
And I can't afford to give up now.
The scene's repeating.

I won't give up!
I've come to the conclusion that there is no escaping!

And I told you once,
and I'll tell you again.
Secrets are kept by your end.

And I told you once,
and I told you this.
When we survive, we only pretend.
When we survive, we only pretend.

This is the golden rule,
Keep what you have.
'cause it's all we have left.

This is the golden rule,
Keep what you have.
'cause it's all we have left.

This is the golden rule,
Keep what you have.
'cause it's all we have left.

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