Tuesday, August 5, 2014

By Candlelight

* dedicated to Open Letter

*dedicated to RB – and NO! Just cuz its football season, I aint talking bout no Running Back!
(Okay girl, how about this – if youre single at 20 and Im still single at *ah blah blah blah*…lets give it a chance! Lets walk down the Baltimore Harbor together discourse face to face, rather than me shielding myself behind these poems…and you….well who knows how you feel?)

Now, of course, if you currently have a 6 foot 8 boyfriend – disregard everything youre about to read!!!

--------------------/By Candlelight

Im like a girl…in a bed pining away
for a man she cant find, whose ardor for his
enchanting smile and bewitching mannerisms
jostle her from sleep conflating dream
for reality.  But I am not a girl, whereas the Bible
is fact, this poem is an apologue regarding a man
peering out the lattice windows of his heart
for a girl 14 years his junior and finding the streets
of opportunity empty,
the cruel effulgent moon casting tall shadows
of tress and houses into any open spaces
she might be ensconced.
The impatient sun turning its back on love
and hasting my birth.
Crawling in the streets for you blinded by tears
nourished by fears I will never again
cross your path, and gaze into your hazel eyes
watching myself in their reflection,
pools of Mnemosyne recalling the love
Adam first had for Eve.
May the spears and short swords of the watchmen,
encouragement and consoling advice
from friends and family, find and restore me
lest I faint and languish before I return home
disconsolate and bereft of the woman my soul thirsts
for. Or will the armed guards of public opinion
upbraid me instead, shackles on my wrists and ankles
led away to the stocks,
their grungy hands of condescension and discouragement
muffling my wailing for you?
Will the town think Im crazy for this besotted love
I harbor for a teenager?
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr….I seek a girl
with black hair who lives in Maryland,
have you seen her? If you do, inform her that I am
in Maryland too…stumbling around dark alleys
blindly trouncing flowerpots (of social convention)
with my feet
seeking her love in return by candlelight.

----------------Song of Solomon 3:1-3
By night on my bed I sought him whom my soul loveth: I sought him, but I found him not. I will rise now, and go about the city in the streets, and in the broad ways I will seek him whom my soul loveth: I sought him, but I found him not. The watchmen that go about the city found me: to whom I said, Saw ye him whom my soul loveth?

-----Open Letter Lyrics
This is my open letter,
 This is something to remember.
 I won't be buried before my time,
 I'm not searching for forever,
 I've got my eyes opened wide,
 I've been searching under rubble from the past,
 just looking for a reason to make your life last.
 No need to look skyward for you to find hope,
 no need for redemption to be saved from the rope,

F* No!

 I'm not searching the sky for a reason to live
 'cause I found beauty right here and found the passion to give,
 so let me give you my heart, let me give you my tears,
 let me give you my life, let me give you my fears.
 Just so you can hold on and sing while I do, sing these words out so loud,
 like I sing them for you.
 This is your open letter, something to remember,
 we can still keep on fighting even though life is not forever.
 I'm not searching the sky for a reason to live
 'cause I found beauty right here and found the passion to give,
 so let me give you my heart, let me give you my tears,
 let me give you my life, let me give you my fears.
 This is my open letter, this is something to remember.
 This is my open letter, I'm not searching for forever.

I'm not searching the sky for a reason to live
 'cause I found beauty right here and found the passion to give,
 so let me give you my heart, let me give you my tears,
 let me give you my life, let me give you my fears.

 One more time!

I'm not searching the sky for a reason to live
 'cause I found beauty right here and found the passion to give,
 so let me give you my heart, let me give you my tears,
 let me give you my life, let me give you my fears. 

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