Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Taylor Swift, Rule My Heart. Please?

------------------/Taylor Swift, Be My King Of Egypt (Set Me Free)

Taylor, these bars oxidized orange underneath
peeling layers of lost time, hands
thickened and congealed for superfluous and futile attempts
at emancipation, clenching and pushing furiously,
by guard’s dim candlelight, as I scream for dignity
and redemption much to the dismay
of the prisoners flanking me in this cramped cell
of loneliness, putrid stench of the lovelorn.
My love for you like a butler embattled
shivering in winter, teeth chattering in the cold wind,
warmed by optimism as a blanket,
as he tells me of delightsome dreams with a dulcet smile:
you and me together drinking from the vine
of darling fantasies, my kisses for you like grapes pressed,
my desire for you earthy wine aged to perfection
ecstasy lifted to your lips, the excess pouring
down your chin,
and into my cupped hands beneath it;
Staring into your eyes.
And yet my fear of your rejection is a bilious baker
with indiscriminate and overwhelming flatulence in sleep,
rodents nuzzled under his chin
tossing and turning with fiendish nightmares
of the apocalypse: white baskets on his head
with my heart inside, birds of public protest,
those haters who say we shouldn’t be together,
another bird with the likeness of Harry Styles,
pecking and pecking until my heart splays blood
and beats no more.
As each day passes I pray for the turning of the    
latch, your blue eyes a prison key,
your blonde hair like loosened shackles,
and ankles that throb,
your sexy videos a bath and shave, cleansing the grime
off my 14 years of singleness. #shakeitoff
You are the King of Egypt,
when you release the Butler, and hang the Baker
please find favor with the Butler
and remember me.   

(In this cage of the disconsolate)

------Genesis 40 (KJV)
And it came to pass after these things, that the butler of the king of Egypt and his baker had offended their lord the king of Egypt. And Pharaoh was wroth against two of his officers, against the chief of the butlers, and against the chief of the bakers. And he put them in ward in the house of the captain of the guard, into the prison, the place where Joseph was bound. And the captain of the guard charged Joseph with them, and he served them: and they continued a season in ward. And they dreamed a dream both of them, each man his dream in one night, each man according to the interpretation of his dream, the butler and the baker of the king of Egypt, which were bound in the prison. And Joseph came in unto them in the morning, and looked upon them, and, behold, they were sad. And he asked Pharaoh's officers that were with him in the ward of his lord's house, saying, Wherefore look ye so sadly to day? And they said unto him, We have dreamed a dream, and there is no interpreter of it. And Joseph said unto them, Do not interpretations belong to God? tell me them, I pray you. And the chief butler told his dream to Joseph, and said to him, In my dream, behold, a vine was before me; And in the vine were three branches: and it was as though it budded, and her blossoms shot forth; and the clusters thereof brought forth ripe grapes: And Pharaoh's cup was in my hand: and I took the grapes, and pressed them into Pharaoh's cup, and I gave the cup into Pharaoh's hand. And Joseph said unto him, This is the interpretation of it: The three branches are three days: Yet within three days shall Pharaoh lift up thine head, and restore thee unto thy place: and thou shalt deliver Pharaoh's cup into his hand, after the former manner when thou wast his butler. But think on me when it shall be well with thee, and shew kindness, I pray thee, unto me, and make mention of me unto Pharaoh, and bring me out of this house: For indeed I was stolen away out of the land of the Hebrews: and here also have I done nothing that they should put me into the dungeon. When the chief baker saw that the interpretation was good, he said unto Joseph, I also was in my dream, and, behold, I had three white baskets on my head: And in the uppermost basket there was of all manner of bakemeats for Pharaoh; and the birds did eat them out of the basket upon my head. And Joseph answered and said, This is the interpretation thereof: The three baskets are three days:  Yet within three days shall Pharaoh lift up thy head from off thee, and shall hang thee on a tree; and the birds shall eat thy flesh from off thee. And it came to pass the third day, which was Pharaoh's birthday, that he made a feast unto all his servants: and he lifted up the head of the chief butler and of the chief baker among his servants. And he restored the chief butler unto his butlership again; and he gave the cup into Pharaoh's hand: But he hanged the chief baker: as Joseph had interpreted to them. Yet did not the chief butler remember Joseph, but forgat him.

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