Saturday, February 8, 2014

Oh Gorsh This is So Melodramatic. (I hope you really meant your smile this time, my love....or did you??? :-/ )


* Dedicated to Ann, curly haired mesmerizing voluptuous vortex of beauty
* Dedicated to Touche’ Amore’, Harbor  ---> click the link and thou shalt rock out

[You see Ann, you said hi to me around Christmastime….and you smiled as we met eyes! HOW COULD I LET THIS GO???? HOW??? YOU BODACIOUS BABE!!! I THOUGHT….I thought you didn’t like me? Wait maybe you still don’t…but…but…in that moment…you made me feel like a King! …And I thank you]

----------------/This Relic: Praying to Ann's Bones (After Landing on Them Of Course)

I remember, in the full ebullience of your youth,
(circa 2010), you were like a prophet to me,
cloaked in Elijah’s mantle.
This dazzling woman with blue eyes so enchanting,
staring at the world as if to conquer it
sapphire stones endowed by God,
my heart on fire with romance. Miraculous was our first conversation.
You multiplied the loaves of my passion,
your beauty like bread enough for a hundred men:
curly blonde hair, voluptuous figure surely a fit meal
for all my fantasies; my belly fat my sleep so serene.
You filled all the empty
jars of my expectations for the existence of a good girl
with fresh olive oil of hope, abundant aromatic gushing
of your personality like expensive perfume,
my fingers giddily sticky,
whereas most girls who preceded you couldn’t fill half a bowl;
satisfying the debts of my pessimism like debtors- brawny repossessors
come to steal away my desire for you like my two children
and I the lovelorn impoverished widow of a former prophet who perished
believing true love never dies.
You made the leaden iron axe head, my fear of racist limitations
float in waters of my amazement,
black men and white women like pieces of wood floating together,
in rhythm with the natural harmony of the universe. 

But then, you stood me up for lunch, thrice.
As quickly as you came you died, your putrid memory decaying
a bag of bones tossed in the ground, wrapped in a mantle as a burial robe
sepulcher of a heartbreaker. Dead to Tony forevermore.
What prophet lost? What prophet walked?

In your absence life is a battlefield,
In your absence I put on my helmet, my armor,
the bitterness that engulfs, safeguards and shields of the spurned
thrusting the spear of cynicism at any stupid silly girl
who dared make eyes at me again. EVER AGAIN.
But girls these days are savage Moabites, there is no matching ferocity
no intensity their rival – men haters, men breakers
blood flowing from their mouths as they tease, teeth like fangs
with fake smiles.
I haven’t dated in 14 years so I finally fell unable to cope,
the cumulative insanity from years heaped upon years of rejection.
My friends, Towson relationship warriors, tossed me in the ground
a makeshift burial for a man worn out and done in by love
left for dead as they fought on valiantly…
hastily engaged in vicious battles with snarky short skirts
with cunning wits like swords.

Yet lo,
this past Christmas I landed on your bones like serendipity:
in the hall,
like when we first met years ago - you smiled, you said hi,
you charmed with those eyes,
shifting ground, tectonic plates dancing
chambers of the damned opening forth,
gates of resurrection.  My soul is breathing your name again,
cells of rebirth are bouncing in my veins.
Anne, when you smile I need you to mean it this time,
as I take your mantle and put it on me
prayers for the restoration of your bones….

----"And Elisha died, and they buried him. And the bands of the Moabites invaded the land at the coming in of the year. And it came to pass, as they were burying a man, that, behold, they spied a band of men; and they cast the man into the sepulchre of Elisha: and when the man was let down, and touched the bones of Elisha, he revived, and stood up on his feet." (2 Kings 13:20-21).

-----------/Harbor Lyrics
Call it a learning process
 And I've never been that quick
 Because I take things as they come
 And I respond how I see fit
 But it's easy to get distracted
 As I've been living life abroad
 I'm starved for your acceptance
 And I work for your applause
 I'd always envisioned myself as a giver
 But as I reflect I've left something to be desired
 Not that my heart
 Hasn't ever delivered
 But that it's never felt
 This inspired
 To have direction to feel complete
 To embrace affection to end all the woe is me
 But mainly to harbor the love that I have to give
 But for tonight let's just stay inside
 Well it's far too loud and I just want quiet
 And if we die before we wake
 I'll blame it on the past mistakes
 Without you I'm not pure
 And without you I'm not clean
 But if I'm going down with you
 Then you're going down with me
 What I'm afraid of is what is certain and
 What I'm sure of is that it's on me
 But I'm too tired to be that person
 And that person needs to be set free
 To harbor the love that I have to give

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