Monday, February 10, 2014

Awaiting Trial - Joan of Arc Tribute


*Saint Joan of Arc pray for me, speak to me….pray for the dead through me, for me
* dedicated to Bring Me the Horizon, Crucify Me

But Jesus said unto them, Ye know not what ye ask: can ye drink of the cup that I drink of? and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with? (Mark 10:38)

------------------/Awaiting Trial; The Thoughts Of Joan of Arc In Her Prison Cell

Beneath the angst riddled moon: maestro
dark clouds congregate like angels’ cymbals clashing,
the ominous music that introduces heaven to the damned…
chorus of seventy elders alternating baritone and soprano
at least,
I can only imagine; it is Vespers,
and I tell St. Michael I only want escape if freedom is his Angel Wings.
“Take me with your glorious legions” the guards hear me whisper,
hands clasped, head buried in my cot’s center
knees still on the floor beside my bed, hunched shadow dancing
by torchlight in the long stolid halls at Rouen castle chained,
Den of Devils.
I remember as a girl raising my father’s scythe for France,
sheep as allied soldiers, chickens my generals,
oxen my sturdy battering rams.
Saints Catherine and Margaret, comforters
Sisters of solace,
steadying my grave plight with the feminine balance only God foresaw.
Charles, it is for your crown that we all shed blood
for your fate I stand trial, sheep led to the slaughter
silent before her shearers, Jesus, meek in the face of Pilate
his mob of madcap Jews turned maniacal lying clerics,
“let her blood be upon England and our children.”
The cynic’s Kingdom, the other liar on the cross
still jeering in the face of imminent Salvation.
Charles, I wear your armor for you…
tunic, hosen, and long boots, breastplate fit for David -
or Joab, rather,
cursing gender for gender,
trading my breasts for your courage, your strength is my shame.
The ladies (Catherine and Margaret) once told me
a wedding is for naught if a girl hasn’t known love,
that wearing pants and helmet
mounting a steed breathing smoke rather than wear gaudy bracelets
on wrists of a pauper’s princess is worth the cost
of securing the heart of the Lover of All Soul’s Hearts.
For the sake of His Love, they say,
His Calling: “be willing to let your whole world burn”


-----Crucify Me Lyrics
Crucify me, and nail my hands to a wooden cross.
 There is nothing above, there is nothing below.
 Heaven and Hell lives in all of us,
 And I've been cast astray.
 I am an ocean, I am the sea,
 There is a world inside of me.
 Lost in the abyss, drowned in the deep,
 No set of lungs could salvage me.
 Only a shipwreck, only a ghost,
 Merely a graveyard of your former self.
 We just watched the waves crash over.
 I've been cast astray.
 There is a Hell, believe me I've seen it.
 There is a Heaven, let's keep it a secret.
 (No one needs to know)
 There is a Hell, believe me I've seen it.
 There is a Heaven, let's keep it a secret.
 (No one needs to know)
 I am an ocean, I am the sea,
 There is a world inside of me.
 Lost in the abyss, drowned in the deep,
 No set of lungs could salvage me.
 Save yourself, save your breath,
 The tides too strong, you'll catch your death.
 So breathe for me, just breathe.
 There is a Hell, believe me I've seen it.
 There is a Heaven, let's keep it a secret.
 (There is a hell, believe me I've seen)
 There is a Hell, believe me I've seen it.
 There is a Heaven, let's keep it a secret.
 (There is a hell believe me I've seen)
 If we make it through the night, if I make it out alive,
 Lord have mercy and pray for the dead.
 And you say that you can save me,
 Don't hope to ever find me,
 I fear I'm too far gone.
 Pray for the dead
 If we make it through the night, if I make it out alive,
 Lord have mercy and pray for the dead.
 And you said that you can save me,
 Don't hope to ever find me.
 I fear I'm too far gone
 Pray for the dead
 Pray for the dead
 Pray for the dead
 Pray for the dead
 Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your full undivided attention?
 There is something you all really need to know.
 There is a Hell, believe me I've seen it.
 There is a Heaven, let's keep it a secret.
 (There is a hell, believe me I've seen i-i-i)
 There is a Hell, believe me I've seen it.
 There is a Heaven, let's keep it a secret.
 (There is a hell believe me I've seen)
 If we make it through the night, if we make it out alive.
 You said that you can save me,
 Don't hope to ever find me
 I fear I'm too far gone.
 Pray for the dead
 If we make it through the night, if we make it out alive.
 Lord have mercy and pray for the dead,
 You say that you can save me,
 Don't hope to ever find me
 I fear I'm too far gone.
 Pray for the dead
 I am the ocean, I am the sea
 There is a world inside of me
 I am the ocean, I am the sea
 There is a world inside of me
 I am the ocean, I am the sea
 There is a world inside of me
 I am the ocean, I am the sea
 There is a world inside of me
 I am the ocean, I am the sea
 There is a world inside of me
 I am the ocean, I am the sea
 There is a world inside of me
 I am the ocean, I am the sea
 There is a world inside of me
 I am the ocean, I am the sea
 There is a world inside of me

1 comment:

Annie said...

This is AMAZING. I LOVE this poem.
My favorite part:
"...that wearing pants and helmet
mounting a steed breathing smoke rather than wear gaudy bracelets
on wrists of a pauper’s princess is worth the cost
of securing the heart of the Lover of All Soul’s Hearts."
This is what this saint is to me. Thank you.