Thursday, February 27, 2014

King Of This World

* dedicated to Bring Me The Horizon, The House of Wolves

Again, the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory.  And he said to Him, “All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.” Matthew 4:8-9

-----------------------/King of this World

What does Satan require of us? The Prince of Darkness perched
on a high mountain like an inverted throne,
(god of our world coronated - our lusts chanting live long)
the irony of the subversion of power and the haughty perspective
it breeds, beckons bread from stone.
And what is our desert, if not our patience stolen by bread.
Forty days of testing proving grounds for survival
of our decorum, of our sanity, of our welfare
(our normalcy)
threatened not by howling wolves of prey seeking us
seething with anger at their own abject hunger pangs
but the wolves within us,
the howling discontent, the bloodlust for adultery and pornography.
Provocation by subtlety, seduction by misguided charm.
And so jail will forge ahead to converge upon our paths
marching steadfast and hastily, death too soon, sepulchers too sudden
our families rent
as we dash our feet against stones
decrying the angels of conscience we defied atop the pinnacles
of our own egos bartering with fate we purportedly control
but in the end know little to nothing of.
Monarch of deception- propagating poverty as power
promiscuity as pride’s progeny
aborting fetuses but birthing children of damned self esteems
imploring us to grasp his ankles and feel the pulse of shrewd blood
pulsing through his feet…he pronounces above us power limitless
breath of hell bristling hairs on napes.
And so I, a citizen of sexual perversion, bankruptcy and envy
in taxes, in regret, years lost
tumbleweeds receding in the horizon, quickly forgotten
rather than walk forty days trusting righteousness and purity.
in a Good God who wont let his servants fall;
We'd be stronger and happier in the end.

-----The House of Wolves, Lyrics
Show me a sign, show me a reason to give,
 A solitary f* about your god damn beliefs
 I'm going blind, but one thing's clear
 Death is the only salvation you'll feel

Brick by brick by brick
 Brick by brick by brick

 What you call faith, I call a sorry excuse
 Cloak and daggers murder the truth
 The bitter taste, there's nothing else
 I'll bow for your king when he shows himself

 Brick by brick by brick
 These walls begin to cave in
 The house of wolves you built
 Whispers in a thousand tongues
 Show me your face, show me a reason to think,
 My soul can be saved if I sell you my sins
 I'm going blind, but one thing's clear
 Death is the only salvation for me

 Brick by brick by brick
 These walls begin to cave in
 The house of wolves you built
 Whispers in a thousand tongues
 (The house of wolves you built)
 (The nest of wolves you built)
 The house of wolves you built
 Will burn just like a thousand suns
 When you die, the only kingdom you'll see
 Is 2 foot wide and 6 foot deep
 And when you die, the only kingdom you'll see
 Is 2 foot wide and 6 foot deep
 And when you die, the only kingdom you'll see
 Is 2 foot wide and 6 foot deep, oh!

 Brick by brick by brick
 Brick by brick by brick
 Brick by brick by brick
 These walls begin to cave in
 The house of wolves you built
 Whispers in a thousand tongues
 Brick by brick by brick
 These walls begin to cave in
 The house of wolves you built
 Will burn just like a thousand suns
 You said you want me
 Now I'm here, now I'm here, now I'm here
 You said you want me
 Now I'm here, now I'm here, now I'm here 

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