Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A Brave New World... Though Anesthetized

Dedicated to All Time Low, Stella

[MAAAAAAN do yall know? Maybe yall kats dont know... But I saw this lady the other day, her kids are like 2/3 my age...and I presume shes married, evinced by the big ring on her left hand, but anyway....we talked....dude she was so hot and stuff, and I honestly can admit I want to have sex with her! But I cant! You see, people see me as a Noah, nah mean? Righteous in a wicked land, going to church writing about Christ, nah mean? So I cant have an adulterous affair or everything is ruined! But crap! If everyone else is having affairs, dying why cant I die with them? Why this conscience this guilt for sins and  wanting to sin? Sure Ive sinned like the next man, but like Noah Im pained when I see the penalties on others of sins that I very well could have committed. Its a lonely world when you abstain from revelry....temptations on every side dawg. MAN I JUST WANT TO GET DRUNK AND PRETEND THERE IS NO STRUGGLE. FUUUUU.... LET ME HAVE SEX WITH A HOT MOM!!! Maybe???]

When Lamech had lived 182 years, he had a son. He named him Noah and said, “He will comfort us in the labor and painful toil of our hands caused by the ground the Lord has cursed.”Genesis 5:28-29

----------------------------/ A Brave New World, Anesthetized; Noah's Thoughts Before Passing Out Drunk

The screams of the wicked harass my thoughts gagging
as detritus floating surges to unsuspecting mouths. an arresting sound
even through the thick walls
of the Ark tossed unsteadily in the raging waves
of death
their jeers now comforting dichotomized with my fear of the Unknown's face
the herded animals unhinged skittish in their silent stares
looking for my help and guidance to explain the upside of calamity
darkness except for lone candles lit in the uppermost layer of the cabin
they want me to sing (I'll do a dirge)
I just want to die
in spite of my wife's sobbing pleas to press on
the heritage of my father: a wasteland of forgottenness
buried beneath unrelenting, vengeful, impregnable stoic waters
of memory
resentful of virtue's higher ground
I throw my white dove to the winds of chance and doom
even though she returns, you see it in her face life will never be the same
she, a totem of my now lost innocence
the world will never be vindicated
Eden washed away
These eyes have seen too much this blighted macabre soul too withered
guilt for being somewhat envious of the dead
wild sex that doesnt plague the conscience, murder that settles the score
sodomy that would have been mine
except for the modicum of restraint that rewarded me with life
while everyone else is no more, undeserving of this freshly minted era
built on the backs of a whole society deemed unworthy
imploring God for the sun to run away
staring at the blue moon forever, alone
the old cads used to tell me that wine becomes savior to the damned
vineyard please save me
vineyard please save me
from myself

(as long as its night....I wont have to answer to the morning)

The waters rose and covered the mountains to a depth of more than fifteen cubits.Every living thing that moved on land perished—birds, livestock, wild animals, all the creatures that swarm over the earth, and all mankind. Everything on dry land that had the breath of life in its nostrils died. Every living thing on the face of the earth was wiped out; people and animals and the creatures that move along the ground and the birds were wiped from the earth. Only Noah was left, and those with him in the ark. Genesis 7:20-23

And Noah began to be an husbandman, and he planted a vineyard: And he drank of the wine, and was drunken; and he was uncovered within his tent. And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without. And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders and went backwards, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father's nakedness. And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him. And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren. Genesis 9:20-25

------Stella Lyrics

3 p.m., on my feet and staggering
Through misplaced words
And a sinking feeling, I got carried away

Sick, sick of sleeping on the floor
Another night, another score
I'm jaded, bottles breaking

You're only happy when I'm wasted
I point my finger but I just can't place it
Feels like I'm falling in love
When I'm falling to the bathroom floor

I remember how you tasted
I've had you so many times, let's face it
Feels like I'm falling in love alone
Stella, would you take me home?
Stella, would you take me home?

2 a.m., I'm on a blackout binge again
You know I don't need sleep
And I lost my keys, but I got so many friends

And they keep, keep me coming back for more
Another night, another score
I'm faded, bottles breaking

You're only happy when I'm wasted
I point my finger but I just can't place it
Feels like I'm falling in love
When I'm falling to the bathroom floor

I remember how you tasted
I've had you so many times, let's face it
Feels like I'm falling in love alone
Stella, would you take me home?

One more reason, I should never have met you
Just another reason I could never forget you
Down we go
The room's spinning out of control

Lose myself in a chemical moment
The night life's taking its toll
That's just the way it goes
Come on, Stella, would you take me home?

You're only happy when I'm wasted
I point my finger but I just can't place it
Feels like I'm falling in love alone
Stella, would you take me home?

You're only happy when I'm wasted
I point my finger but I just can't place it
Feels like I'm falling in love
When I'm falling to the bathroom floor

I remember how you tasted
I've had you so many times
Feels like I'm falling in love alone
Stella, would you take me home?

You're only happy when I'm wasted
I point my finger but I just can't place it
Feels like I'm falling in love
When I'm falling to the bathroom floor

I remember how you tasted
I've had you so many times, let's face it

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