Saturday, August 20, 2011

These are MY Psalms! (18)

God aint nobody scurred of deez cats out here, nahmean? Deez cats who talk about me behind my back, and cast demoralizing glances at me when we meet in public. Condescending, weak, jealous, shallow scum you know who you are , waiting for me to fall but not realizing God would never let me fall into your hands; Youre too ordinary and far too unaccomplished. Doctors who marginalize me and condescend. Stop trying to hurt me, it's futile....all of you liars, even you, red head girl from Boston with the husband and baby son who ruined my reputation with her calumny, and you mammoth man overprotective of his wife, big belligerent bully with a short temper. The list goes on and on

Michael the Archangel, get out the violin and lyre and play me a tune!

Angels, clap for me - dance and rejoice

I came too far to stop now, you want me to shut up and stop blogging? Then stop God up in the storm clouds from protecting me.


------------/ MY Psalm 18

The wind of your vile fury blows right through my shirt
the dark ominous scowls you give me are the telltale clouds of foreboding, a tempest is flaring
I know you wish me dead, drowned in the flood
of your covetous discontent
Seaweed of your bitter regret at not having my opportunities in life entangling me, wrapped around my neck barely breathing
Your jealousy is suffocating
You regret that you have failed to produce a blog like me?
You are riled up that I have a job with healthcare and you don't?
that I used to have many girlfriends and you haven't yet? That your girl likes me more than you?
That you don't have my hair or drive a 2005 red dented corolla?
That I went to college and you didn't?
that you aren't one of the girls I like? That your boyfriend mistreated you and that I'm not him in order to absorb your full fledged retaliation?
I have my own pains,
and your only desire is to compound them...while I writhe just trying to stay afloat
you have your bow pulled taut aimed at my heart, from your ship of frustration perched on its bow
whilst I just try and make sense of this life, and your cruelty
I have reached the threshold of my tolerance, jealous leech. Back off
In my distress I relayed my travails to Jehovah, I begged Him Lord:
make a swift end to my callous uncompromising enemies
for their hurricanes are swirling
for their hurricanes are swirling
about me (and I can't breathe anymore).
and then

-Smoke went up from his nostrils, and devouring fire from his mouth; glowing coals flamed forth from him. He bowed the heavens, and came down; thick darkness was under his feet. He rode on a cherub, and flew; he came swiftly upon the wings of the wind. He made darkness his covering around him, his canopy thick clouds dark with water. Out of the brightness before him there broke through his clouds hailstones and coals of fire. The LORD also thundered in the heavens, and the Most High uttered his voice. And he sent out his arrows, and scattered them; he flashed forth lightnings

and came to my defense - silencing the foe

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