Friday, August 19, 2011

Ode To Satan

Yo, so a while back, one of my friends posed the question should we ever pity Satan? She asked if we should pray for him, since Jesus tells us to love our enemies.... I sternly rebuked her at the time. But I've been thinking about it -

How you have fallen from heaven,
morning star, son of the dawn!
You have been cast down to the earth,
you who once laid low the nations!
You said in your heart,
"I will ascend to the heavens

------------------/Ode To Satan, My Father Of Lies

Like a flash of lightning fallen, hitting the ground
but still full of energy
overpowered but still embracing delusion as your strength
defiantly vowing to continually wage war
charismatic galvanizing legions to your cause
impassioned boundlessly, yet bounded by your time’s finitude
and the waning of your light
and the corrosion of your comeliness
the stripping of your dignity, and the wresting of your purpose
until you redefine it, to the lost as deception, and run with it
tyrannizing everyone and thing that opposes your path or
refuses to cede you ground
and you don’t care about the innocent victims because
a term like that is just conjecture
just semantics to an excommunicated angel compartmentalizing
thoughts of his own wailing eternally
in a lake that burns but is never consumed
insouciant believing that the black smog and soot
of his flesh – really his angelic will
will perhaps be renowned as a blaze of glory
as some remember Columbine, the Holocaust, and Judas
Iscariot, and the Klu Klux Klan but you will reflect on this later
(that the only heroes are insubordinate malcontents who corrupt)
Impatient, because everything to you is rushing
being is anxiety
frantic dashes
as the echoes in the chamber above you resound with
holy holy holy
you are flanked by silence, your minions must be goaded
forced to retort blood, cynicism, and abortion every time they hear it
the father of misguided souls never turning their backs on spite
relentless and untiring in realizing your ultimate goal
destruction, annihilation for all because pride
destroyed you
and it was the choice you made to never come back
to hate and spurn authority and raise your sword to the good
you are the sweet, musically charming alternative to obedience
and you don’t ask you take, you don’t woo you rape
submission is anathema that embraces the weak are the lies
you whisper into every man's ear
that masturbates, that fornicates, that sells crack cocaine and
brags – to every pedophile that fancies fruit he knows
to be forbidden no matter which way he construes his worldview
to every woman who hates the deep base in a male’s voice
you tell us god is dead, or at least deadened to our conscience
deadened to our consciousness
and to those of us who have no drive you give us the drive of hedonism
in turns while accusing us of vile laziness
so that the cycle is never broken
you want everyone to be like you, tragically broken but focused
and driven on misery, revenge
beautiful once,
but ugly forever
damned forever

(lost forever in a sea of wrath of evil willful decisions)

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

No we shouldn't pray for him. He will not be saved- Jesus has already said so, and has called him the Enemy. God gave him his chance to repent, and he didn't. Besides- how are you going to ask Jesus to save someone's soul when they don't even have a soul?!

That's the conclusion I came to when I had the same question a while back.