Friday, October 15, 2010

SUMMER IS DEAD PART FOUR: Please Come Out Into The Courtyard

See, I done told yall cats….see look at the weather mane....look at it.....its getting all chilly out.....wheres the summer now yall? HUH? WHERE'S THE SUMMER NOW???!!!

John 18:18
Now the servants and officers who had made a fire of coals stood there, for it was cold, and they warmed themselves. And Peter stood with them and warmed himself

--------------------/SUMMER IS DEAD PART FOUR: Please Come Out Into The Courtyard

my hopes of winning your heart were like a Jewish carpenter
once vibrant, once promising with strong speech
performing miracles of wonder in my soul....(healing the lame and insufferable doubt
that I could ever fall in love)
now on trial
now startlingly silent
I try to dream of you but the only ensemble I can conjure up
is a ragtag heterogeneous group of slave girls and sycophants
of the high priests
nagging at me
and slowly but progressively and surely the discomforting
reality begins to settle in my mind
that maybe our future together isn’t fixed
maybe it will actually die
and yet in the dreams I had before
you and I (and your blonde hair and infectious smile)
were dared to walk on the water
of my sweetest fantasies
while I was still incredulously joyful on the boat
of cautious skepticism
and it was warm then
I could roll the sleeves of my robe up with no problem
even sweating a bit
but now as I hear my conscious interrogating
my ambitions for you
from the courtyard of my final destiny
I start to shiver at the prospect of losing you
my teeth start to chatter
There is this foreboding that envelops me
it feels like snow is coming
and I need to warm my hands at the fires of
faith in the improbable

(that my hope for us would be freed....and we could go back to June and July 2010 when I first met you)

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