Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Warrior King


----------------/A Warrior King: The Thoughts of Jesus on The Cross Enduring Jeers/

Im thirty-three...
and the greatest temptation I face is not to pry these nails
from my hands (try to dress and doctor my wounds)
and walk towards Rome
nor to dislodge the plaited thorns embedded in my scalp
nor to stir winds and hurl down fire from heaven -
annihilating, and dispelling my taunting, chaffing onlookers
I can withstand blood pouring in my eyes and the constriction
of my lungs. and the scorn, and the prattling ravens circling
threatening to gouge my ears
the proud and cavalier Roman soldiers casting lots for my garments
robing and disrobing themselves in clothes my father once gave me
and morally craven criminals deliberating on my innocence
...no...the foremost entrapment I face, is to cede ground to regret
to question whether my mission is right despite lack of support
to lose heart and abdicate my strength of will
and let the thronging masses have what they want instead: a warrior king
and I would create one just for them – and imagine him to be me
and for just a spell allow myself to be embraced by genuine exultation
in synagogues across the land
greeted by exuberant children forced to dance on their mother's shoulders
kissed by rabbis, feet washed by high priests
adorned in jewels and the splendor of one revered - respected
I would pretend I knew what it was like to be loved as freely
as I freely loved
and willingly subdued my rage
to display my magnanimity
and comfort them like God only can
as they put down their spears
and stopped stabbing me
stopped trying to dilute my sincerity
by mixing water of their intemperance with my
sacrificial blood

(That is my greatest vulnerability, my greatest temptation)

Matthew 27:42-44--------------
"He saved others," they said, "but he can't save himself! He's the King of Israel! Let him come down now from the cross, and we will believe in him. He trusts in God. Let God rescue him now if he wants him, for he said, 'I am the Son of God.' " In the same way the robbers who were crucified with him also heaped insults on him.

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