Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Setting

[The setting - A small dimly lit basement with off-white carpet. Centered in the room is a defunct fireplace encased with brick walls on 3 sides and raised on a 2 foot brick ledge beneath. (The remaining wall in the room is covered by wood paneling) 3 small disparate couches are arranged around the fireplace – one perpendicular, one adjacent and one opposite - various paraphernalia, such as clothes, books and notebooks are adorned on each in various fashion. A metal bar with clothes on hangers affixed lies across two window sills to the right of the fireplace. On the far left side of the room against the wall, is a full size air mattress, two cardboard boxes filled with shoes, and two plastic clothes bins line its left and bottom borders. An old wooden dresser with dark brown finish sits on the far wall opposite the fireplace and behind one of the couches. Clothes bins and magazines embellish the dresser. Stairs leading from the basement to the kitchen and laundry room are next to the dresser. Tony is seated on the couch opposite the fireplace around 12:39am thinking of a new topic to write about for his blog… when suddenly an angel appears in dazzling white apparel. Tony falls prostrate on the ground]

Angel: Rise, do not be afraid

[Tony arises] Tony: who, who are you?

Angel: I am Raphael, sent from Jesus Christ the Messiah who has come in the flesh.

Tony: .......

Raphael: I wanted to send salutations from God the Father, and Jesus Christ His only son. Your next two blog entries on the sufferings of Jesus in death are most appreciated. Jesus is most glorified and most honored amongst those who believe in His death and resurrection!

Tony: Word?

Raphael: ........

Tony: Yo doo, before you bounce up out this joint or whatever, whatever tell me something…

Raphael: yes?

Tony: son! I really want to get married homeboy. When will I get married, and who is my wife! I have been praying for days about this woman!

Raphael: I could tell you, but then I would have to kill you

Tony: .......? Huh

Raphael [laughing out loud]: good one eh? Look, don’t focus on that. All in God’s timing right? Read Matthew regarding seeking God’s Kingdom firstly. You will find her when you have the courage to ask who she is. Write those two blog entries. To God be the Glory. [Raphael disappears]

Tony: wa….waaa.wwaaait! Is she Kim Kardashian? Hey Raph, come back, come back! Is she Ashanti, Jennifer Connelly? Come baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaackkkk!!!!!!!

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