Thursday, December 17, 2009

Projection of A Divine Memory - featuring Raphael

He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living....Isaiah 53:8a
And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death....Isaiah 53:9a
(Click those links! Imagine Jesus listening to this song right before the angel of death slays Him!)

--------------------------------////Projection of A Divine Memory: The Thoughts of Jesus Hanging on The Cross As He Sees the Angel of Death Raise His Sword///----------------

I don’t believe in ghosts
I believe life projects from your dead flesh
as a visible memory

[Raphael dancing around: I like that…take that, take that]

and all your deeds, all your fears, and envies
become one voice enunciated at one pitch: shrills
and to those left living they sound like the fierce winds on winter nights
howling as the moon and the clouds stare stoically from above

[Raphael: I like this]

when the dead cry everyone feels rain, and if the righteous perish
then Hades rages- hurricanes, and earthquakes evince
creation’s disdain.
I saw Moses and Elijah on the mount
they told me the worst part is crossing over to the other side
and my disciples thought I was a ghost as I walked past them on the water

[Raphael: So Tony, what are you saying? Get to the point, son!]

I was beaten, I was mocked
thistles tied together and driven through my scalp
deserted and left alone
nails in my hands and feet.....throbbing hurt
carrying my own cross, carrying my own shame
relatives, people I went to school with, all see me naked now
hoisted in the air in ignominy
and my heart is throttled everytime I raise my chest to breathe
cruelly wringing the vitality from my soul
Yet I don't pray for help anymore, only for those I leave behind
because they still feel the pain of a fallen world
the subconscious hatred of men destined for a lake of fire
in their dreams they gnash their teeth, and grimace
and women cry because true love was lost in paradise
Adam isn't the same anymore, neither was Cain
from the ground they have ploughed and wrought despair
for all generations
Im afraid to leave this place, but I know I must go
otherwise the winds will keep growing stronger
and peace will be omitted from lexicons henceforth
all we know is war and dying and killing and thieving
forgive them Father
forgive them for all the wrongs they have committed
bless them Father
bless them because they will come to believe in my Name
and remember me
(and bless Me, in my frailty and fears)
It is into Your Hands that I commit my Spirit

......I can see death raising his sword now....

[Raphael: Uhnnnn, uhhhnnn, take that take that!]
(featuring The Angel Raphael as P-Diddy)

[So the soldiers took charge of Jesus. Carrying his own cross, he went out to the place of the Skull (which in Aramaic is called Golgotha). Here they crucified him, and with him two others—one on each side and Jesus in the middle. John 19:16b-18]
[Now is my soul troubled; and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour: but for this cause came I unto this hour. John 12:27]

-----Escape the Fate "My Apocalypse" Lyrics ---

There's a place that I've found
As far as I can see
This place lies within
The depths of my dreams
In a garden surrounded
By fire and trees
Through the smoke a silhouette I can barely see
There’s a man with an axe
Standing in the rain

Looked me straight in the eyes
This is what he had to say

Never fall asleep
You won't wake up
Destroy the guillotine
Before he does

I walk with shadows
(you have to find a better way)
I walk with shadows
(the questions I will never say)
Hiding from the gallows
(they keep me safe and sound)
So I walk with shadows
(the ways of burning down this house)

End transmission
The satellites are down
I need an earthquake
To shake this pity

Just don’t trust these liars at the door
(you have to find a better way)
Kill the ones that have these answers for
(the questions I will never say)

Never fall asleep
You won't wake up
Destroy the guillotine
Before he does

I walk with shadows
(you have to find a better way)
I walk with shadows
(the questions I will never say)
Hiding from the gallows
(they keep me safe and sound)
So I walk with shadows
(the ways of burning down this house)

End transmission
The satellites are down
I need an earthquake
To shake this pity
Off the ground

All the vibrant colors I see
And the shades that fill the grey

The pain
The pain
Pain the pain

The pain
The pain
Pain the pain

Hiding from the gallows
(you have to find a better way)
I walk with shadows
(the questions I will never say)
Hiding from the gallows
(they keep me safe and sound)
So I walk with shadows
(the ways of burning down this house)

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