Monday, November 2, 2009

Taylor Swift, To Whom Shall I Go???

*Dedicated to Dashboard Confessional, "Remember to Breathe"

-------Taylor Lautner Who?!------[Taylor Swift, Your Words Are Eternal (To Me)]

Taylor, when I look at your picture
it forces me to close my eyes
...we are facing each other...standing in the center
of golden wheat fields (at high noon)
...steady winds
your hair (identical, a wheat hue) and white sundress are billowing in unison
as is my t-shirt

The sun peers betwixt two white clouds
asI reach for your cheek
before I come to

But these are just fantasies, and you
just a dream. But you see,
life has become so incorrigible without you;
so my vivid imagination is just the corollary
I was like a fisherman hauling in meager fish without you
I was like a tax collector oppressing
I was sitting under a tree, just pensive
before I saw you
love just called out "come, follow me"
and everything changed

Now, when I hear your beautiful voice
Inspiration wells up in my soul
…and I am healed
I can do anything, I can feed five thousand men
with only meager portions of fish and bread
I can hold my chest at night and feel my heart beating for you
so anxiously

Taylor, baby, I can never die
not as long as I can put in your CD
and muse
because you have the worlds of eternal life

"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

John 6:66-68
From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him.
"You do not want to leave too, do you?" Jesus asked the Twelve.
Simon Peter answered him, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.
We believe and know that you are the Holy One of God."

[Remember to Breathe Lyrics]
She fixes her lips,
They always look perfect.
Never a smudge line,
never too much.

I try on my blue shirt,
she told me she liked it...once.
She wonders what I'll wear.
She knows just what she'll wear.
She always wears blue.

So sneakers or flip-flops?
I'm starting to panic, (wait wait)
Remember she asked you,
remember to breathe.
And everything will be okay.


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