Friday, November 20, 2009

I want the heart of a woman....(please God)

I have always wanted love so bad (hey, just having finished watching the 12:01 showing of Twilight: New Moon doesnt hurt either!!!!)

I want to fall in love and get married like a flower waits for the sun to rise...for sustenance, just to survive.

I often try to downplay such emotions in an attempt to avoid slighting my masculinity...but I think one of the greater gifts of getting older is that you stop caring as much what people think of you.

So yeah, if you wonder why I always write about love and women and falling in love...well, there you have it!

Jesus' contemporaries hated him, and he did nothing wrong; so go figure if someone hates you just for having a personality...whether you are mean or not.

Anyway, what Im trying to say is I may as well use the heart God has given me for some good, right?

If I think like a woman, why not write like a woman - FOR THE GLORY OF GOD?

Nah mean? So like, so like, so like I can be the bride....and Jesus can be the Bridgegroom right?

Oh wait, didnt he already call himself that in the Bible? (Matthew 9:15)

So yeah, Im gonna go 'head and pretend Im a bride on this one! Like it or not!
(Cuz whether we like it or not, our Maker is our husband, yall!)

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