Monday, February 1, 2016

Flights Of Fancy; A Dove's Thoughts On Jesus' Baptism In The Jordan

* Jesus pray for me
* John pray for me
* Holy Spirit, fill me. Amen.

+-----Flights Of Fancy; A Dove's Thoughts On Jesus' Baptism In The Jordan

For me, even the thought
of a righteous man baptized
is a chinook that tousles feathers,
a wind
of inspiration rushing from the north
that empowers wings. For virtue
guides flight paths. It veers the
flock away from perils of falcon and hawk
to bask in safe spaces of the divine,
open clear skies above, to scoff
at terrain boundaries that inhibit the
feet, claw, paw and fin wanderers of
land only or sea only, beckoning
us to sing
in secret code chirp of the curved beak,
songs as biographies we'll bequeath
to our squabs still in eggs,
on the sheer magic of the created earth.
Yes, to meet such a One
would be an honor worthy of heaven's
of abandoning our Eden in the clouds,
the perpetual wedding feast of
Sun and Moon in the exquisite coterie
of comet and star. I swear I would
rest on his shoulders forever.
I would gaze at myself in waters
of the Jordan just to make sure
I wasn’t dreaming.
Just to make sure the felicity
of the moment
was real.

-----John 1:32
John testified saying, "I have seen the Spirit descending as a dove out of heaven, and He remained upon Him.

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