Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Age Old Numbness (Sloth Of The Heart)

*dedicated to Senses Fail "Bonecrusher"
* Dedicated to JacieyO, Marydee

How's this for a pre valentine's day ditty? Dedicated to all men who have made mistakes and hurt (broke hearts of) women who didnt deserve it

-----------/My Heart In Antiquity Numb; The Thoughts Of The Proverbs' 'Slothful' Man

Staring silently at the ceiling somber wistful wayward wanderings
of imagination you told me nothing could unravel love's cords.
(especially those binding us)
The sun sets outside my window face sunken scowling and slinking
below the horizon, shaming me for my affection for you; the stars shrill
skewering in miserable rays of the maddening moon mandating I mire
my mind in opportunities lost
(the mistakes I made mucking up your life)
I used to till the land tend to the flock thresh grain on the
threshing floor enthusiastically now all I do is drink wine wincing
whining at the woebegone reflection in feeding pools of sheep
wondering at the waning sound of your voice in his dreams. I consume
until I pass out, I smoke herbs until the world is one mass distortion
lying on the roadside vulnerable prey to canaanite horse
or philistine axe or bow stumbling over the goat of atonement
in temple I was to offer on your behalf the priest waits the fire stalls
smoke saturates the Holy of Holies unsatisfied. Aaron's Rod
serious intent for sin's sacrifice unslaked. (your unforgiveness)
The line of Hebrews elongates beyond outer court
at postponing their offerings longer...
I should send a message by horse courier to you asking for
reconciliation but the excessive narcotics and alcohol ransack
my will....I regress infinitely. Serenading myself to sleep with
crazed slurred sappy songs my face is in the dirt some ways off from
home disoriented. Will King Solomon provide solace for the heartbroken
will King David? My present has become my past and all I yearn for.
frail character slovenly, screaming your name out startling
the ravens, vultures encompassing me about delighted at the
disturbed man full of delirium - my hand on my bosom
to lethargic to bring it to my mouth

garbled speech grousing about genealogies (never joined)

--------Proverbs 19:24
A slothful man hideth his hand in his bosom, and will not so much as bring it to his mouth again.

----Senses Fail Bonecrusher Lyrics

I feel that city breathe at night
Beneath the stars and neon lights
And I've got nothing to lose

Drink up (drink up) drink up the loneliness
Drink up (drink up) drink up the loneliness

The streets outside, they burn with light
But I am dead on the inside
I think these pills are to blame

Drink up (drink up) drink up the loneliness
Drink up (drink up) drink up the loneliness

And I've got romantic ideas
But they're not meant for you
And my bed's filled with
Black roses to show that our love is through

I hope the fire licks my lips
And pulls me close against her hips
This town will go down in flames

Drink up, drink up, drink up the loneliness
Drink up, drink up, drink up the loneliness

And I've got romantic ideas
But they're not meant for you
And my bed's filled with
Black roses to show that our love is through

Like a broken mirror
They're pieces of me
Like a broken mirror
They're pieces of me
They're pieces of me
They're pieces of me now

Drink up (drink up) drink up the loneliness
Drink up (drink up) drink up my lonely
drink up my lonely
Drink up
Drink up the loneliness

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