Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A Letter to My Future Wife (10-08-08)

Jesus: Tony, you are a man now. Show them how a man treats a woman. Show them how you will treat My daughter when I give her to you.

Tony: No diggity, no doubt my nig. You know this has been a long time coming...I can feel her getting closer. Make me worthy of her hand, Lord. Make me worthy of Your Hand, Lord.

Jesus: No doubt. Proceed....

To my future wife (whoever you are): I have been waiting for you enduringly. Ive been praying, griping, groaning for your presence the majority of my life, it seems. Now I just want to write to you as the day is dawning and the night of my pensiveness comes to and end. I distinctly remember the other day praying to God rather poignantly, saying "I realize now I don't want a woman anymore...I need a woman in my life." Beforehand maybe I was driven by fleeting lust for sex or companionship, but now I have reckoned with the deficiencies lodged deep within the content of my spirit that beg me to find someone to compliment me...a help-mate. God put me in a deep sleep of reflection before I could realize what had happened to me; He took a piece of me away and from it formed you. You are me, and I am you. I am part of you and you are part of me. I am restless until I find you. The day we will finally meet each other is coming, the day I can look into your eyes and see the product of thousands of years of preparation being made (husbands loving wives, and wives loving husbands) in order for me to genuinely exclaim as part of a long and storied heritage: This is flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone!!!

"The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."" Genesis 2:18

-------------LETTERS TO MY FUTURE WIFE (Part 1)
[Jeremiah 3:14b "for I am your husband. I will choose you—one from a town and two from a clan—and bring you to Zion".]
--------------------------------------GOD HASTEN THE DAY WE FINALLY MEET

I am going to tell you what Jesus told me
"come, follow my heart"
and leave your father and brothers behind in their boats
trust me
and let me walk on the irregular waters of unstable love like firm soil
and let me multiply your joy like fish and loaves
food for four thousand out of leftover scraps for one
because I don't have much to offer you
except these hope filled eyes of mine
that beg to heal your loneliness like an issue of blood
if you would just touch the hem of my desire
for you
and hug me four straight days so I can tell your expectant
relatives waiting for you to find a husband
"Take off the grave clothes and let her go"
Because today your singleness is dead
and a new man who will cherish you commands you
to walk out from behind that stone tomb
I have come to take you to new heights
to care about you, doting on you

In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
I want you to proclaim our love
First in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria
and to the ends of the earth.
Let the reality of our love settle inside you
...A mighty rushing wind....
so you can speak in a new tongue
and a new language
telling everyone you know
"God, this man loves me"
So exuberant that all in proximity think you’re drunk

Because I have been praying
all my life
that you and I would be one someday
and that God would keep you safe.
Ive been in my Gethsemane of anxiety
sweating blood
closing my eyes and begging God to take
my cup of loneliness away
(before the Jewish soldiers of infertility come)
And life is a crucifixion without you
Doubt and despair like two thieves are always close
mocking me

(But I wont give up. The day is coming soon that I can say "It is finished. She is MINE" ALL MINE HA HA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!)

["Come, follow me," Jesus said Matthew 4:19a]

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