Friday, May 9, 2008

Jennifer, oh Jennifer (Katie Couric interview)

Katie Couric: Tony, who is Jennifer, the one you constantly write about and harp on?

Tony: She is a the culmintaion of all my dreams since childhood. She is wonderful, that's who she is. A goddess. Simply put, she is Venus incarnate, pure and unadulterated.

Katie Couric:! I didnt expect you to be so dramatic there...I guess you prefer not to divulge too much information about her identity....anyway, tell me what does she look like?

Tony: She looks like the ocean tide coming in at night under the full moon.

Katie Couric [staring blankly]: what?

Tony: She looks like the green grass billowing in a late spring wind.

Katie Couric: ....ooooookaaaaaayyyy........ well I tell you what, before I let you go (off into your own little world) I assuredly must ask why you dont let her be, knowing fully well she is already dating someone now?

Tony: Katie, I care about her deeply.

Katie Couric: But you dont know her, you barely can tell me who she is or what she looks like!

Tony:'re right. I have to let her go. I have to let her memory burn in the fires of yesterday and step on the ashes while never looking back...

Katie Couric: Woah! Hold on a minute...I didnt say all that. Just find someone else. Surely there are plenty of lovely girls out there you can sort through to find another fatal attraction, I mean a suitable partner?

Tony: .....I guess. Mariah! Im home!

Katie Couric: I believe she's taken.

Tony: ...ish! I mean shoot! Man this finding true love thing could take forever!

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