Friday, April 11, 2008

Jennifer Is My Food

John 4:34. Jesus said to them, "My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to accomplish His work."

Jennifer, your love is food to me
and I need it
I need it like I cant go on without it
my joy is famished, my soul filled with hunger pangs
my world is spinning
and knees are wobbling
when you’re gone. I never stop thinking about you
I dream about you
its like, deep in the recesses of my heart you and I have this
so much that I would prefer death to a lonely morbid existence
without you here....
I would call Hades my home, and the grave my bedroom
let decay be my sister and giving up the ghost
my uncle
Let my body be gaunt, and ribs protrude from my chest
Brittle bones I would rather have support me by your side
than sturdy bones in your absence
I can hear my stomach bellowing “starvation is not having you here”

To kiss you, is my meat
romancing you is substance enough
to progress each second past each second past each second
Your love is a banquet hall full of fine cuisine
delicacies from foreign lands.
holding your hand is my nourishment
hugging you, a full entree
surrendering to your will, making you happy is my gathering fruit for eternal life
the only wages I require are the bonds of matrimony
so that you who sow, and I who reap may rejoice

I need comestibles to stay alive for you
I will do whatever it takes to sway your heart and mind
I am so sad
I am so desperate
I am so meaningless if you reject me. Until you say the words
"I love you, baby"
I am yet unfilled
I need to eat

John 4.36-37 Already he who reaps is receiving wages and is gathering fruit for life eternal; so that he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together. “For in this case the saying is true, ‘One sows and another reaps.’

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