Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Behind All The Mist

* For my brother
* dedicated to the Apostle Stephen, for looking to things that are above. I love you for that, man. Pray for me, that I would be able to do the selfsame thing during my trials...
* For Jennifer...that's my heart….you know its gotta be about her all the time right? (at least until...)

And they stoned Stephen, calling upon the Lord, and saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit. (Acts 7.59)
And all that sat in the council, fastening their eyes on him, saw his face as it had been the face of an angel. (Acts 6.15)
--------{Behind the Mist; The thoughts of Stephen as he looked up and saw Jesus standing before him}-----------------------------------------------------------

When I was young at the first sound of the cock's crow
I used to run through the woods...
in the morning a heavy pervasive mist (like white clouds)
heralded the sunrise but shrouded the grass, trees and bushes
all around me in compelling mystery, save things immediately before me
those things
only a stone's throw away.
My freedom was restrained only by my mother's worried calling
that gripped my little conscience like death pangs do an immoral man
so I ran back blindly never mind what was in front of me
(the obstacles in my path).
Only upon reaching my house, seeing my mom standing
was my heart quiescent. Her smile so welcoming, I burrowed in her arms
tears down my cheeks streaming

Lay not these offenses to their charge, Oh God
(these jagged rocks flung from hardened hearts
and false offenses from the stubborn demon of fear)
those of the Libertines, and of the Cyrenians
and of the Alexandrians, and of them of Cilicia and Asia
"for they know not what they do"
May Moses forgive them as he forgave the former architects of the golden calf
though they drank its bitterness for their iniquities,
he interceded at Mt. Sinai on their behalf.
And you spared Solomon for the sake of his father David
even though he practiced infidelity, he built Your temple
inside which You dwelt

They do not terrify me.
Each stone that pierces my flesh
is like the branch that scratched me as a kid
running back home. But now I hear You calling instead of mom
so I hastily approach the throne of Grace
next to which I see you standing.
I stretch forth to what I see immediately in front of me only
(Your presence; just a stone's throw away)
tears streaming down my face, I reach out for Your Hands
to hold me
and finally reveal to me the mystery I sought as a boy
behind all the mist

for we have heard him say, that this Jesus of Nazareth shall destroy this place, and shall change the customs which Moses delivered unto us. (Acts 6.14)

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