Monday, September 12, 2016

Edom's Curse #IamObadiah

* Jesus pray for me
* Obadiah pray for me
* Dedicated to #IamObadiah
#The EmoBible

+------------ Edom's Curse

In the womb of world conquest
you raced for the cervix, you
sold your soul to Babylon, the
umbilical cord of opportunity like a
snake dangling betrayal from trees,
Satan whispering lies of birth
rights’ reclamation in a placenta
of your scarred ego. But God's
covenant with Jerusalem is Jacob
forever clenching your heel in blood.
Your ghosts will be the only remnant
with memories of being firstborn.
Because you will all die by the sword.

 -----------------Obadiah vs 8-10
In that day,” declares the Lord,
    “will I not destroy the wise men of Edom,
    those of understanding in the mountains of Esau? Your warriors, Teman, will be terrified,
    and everyone in Esau’s mountains
    will be cut down in the slaughter.
Because of the violence against your brother Jacob,
    you will be covered with shame;
    you will be destroyed forever.

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