Monday, June 22, 2015

The Never Ending Story Of You

* Jesus pray for me
* Jesus, please, remember me in Your Kingdom. Who knows? Perhaps they'll write books about you and me one day? Amen.

Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written. - John 21:25

+---------------/The Never Ending Story Of You; Reflections of Saint John On Jesus' Life

When we first met, I knew
you were the type they
write stories about. Tall,
dark, broody, and full 
of implacable conviction, this
dogged and determined identification
with divine purpose. The beard,
the miracles,
the unprecedented respect for women
and astoundingly fervent chagrin
for our religious aristocrats
were (for me) just ostentatious flourish,
a prototypical historiographer’s
dream deferred suddenly realized,
the joy, the dancing,
the controlled delirium of Josephus
finally finding his Worthy Subject.
It wasn’t that you simply changed
lives, deftly defying a diversity
of dire dilemmas
by redefining our definitions of
impossible odds, you reoriented
reality; As if prior to your birth,
Jerusalem and Rome
were enveloped in absolute darkness,
our hopes and dreams formless,
just a spirit hovering over the waters
of anticipation for something greater
than ourselves we didn’t know
we needed (or wanted) yet.
But now you have walked, effortlessly,
on waters of our wildest fantasies as
dry land,
raising our acuity- like an ailing daughter,
a flailing spasmodic boy with wicked
proclivities for rolling in fire, then water,
your friend rotting behind stone four days -
from the dead.
You talked of Heaven, of being Son of
the Great Creator, how then could 
anyone refrain from wanting to write
and remember every word,
be enthralled with your every breath?
When someone loves a man and believes in him,
they reminisce sentimentally- dwelling on
myriad true tales of greatness that…
can never be exhausted.

/////(You spawned a gold coin from
a fish’s mouth, you multiplied
fives loaves a thousand fold, you
transformed water into wine,
you cured blindness with mud, healed
leprosy in ten men simultaneously,
you forgave an prostitute’s sins,
Oh Jesus, Jesus!
remember that one time…)///////

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