Monday, May 20, 2013

Have you guys ever wanted to anesthetize the pain of a world gone wrong? *Hiccup!!!* ....*Belch* ...a few years ago....*belch* roommates caught me being impure, Im in debt....I cant buy a house like the rest of my contemporaries *hiccup*......the girl I really want.....SHES MORE THAN 10 YEARS YOUNGER THAN ME!!! *HICCUP*..... HOW WILL I EVER LIVE A LIFE WORTHY......*BUUURRRRPPPPPP*....IVE BEEN SINGLE FOR 14 years......*hiccup*...people keep unfriending me on Facebook.....because of THIS BLOG....*BURP!!!*

freak it! ...........its just one of those days yall.....time to get NOAH-DRUNK Y'ALL!!!!!!
yall know Im like the male Poet counterpart to Taylor Swift....time to wear it all on my sleeve yo!!!!

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