Wednesday, May 15, 2013

I Am Georgetown University's Failed Savior


* dedicated to the attractive girl I saw on May 8, 2013

-------------/Georgetown University's Failed Savior On The Sea of Galilee

N street is like a sea, sidewalks truly a concrete tributary with
overflowing sensuality, leggings and floral short skirts
so Galilean, paired with curve accentuating tops. When girls
walk its as if floating on beguiling high heels, diminutive boats
overwhelming in their charm, nets for eyes and we men just fish.
As I walked to men’s group Bible study
surely I couldnt have gotten in to test the seemingly placid
waters of engaging conversation -to swim
if I did I would have been swept away drowning in passion. So
I just stood on the shore and watched you fish. We made eye contact,
adoring, in that brief moment suspended I imagined you
two brothers Simon and Andrew, sexiness and captivation,
most eligible of my disciples, of my heart.
My neck pulled taut, my lips formed the words “Follow me”
yet we both know fantasy laden intentions and speeches
of hollow silence, winds blown and boats capsized out of frustration.
I wanted to save you from the original sin of gratuitous mentation
a Savior to this pretty girl awaiting a beau
sitting, drifting, with sacred patience   
reciting prophecy. Standing on the banks wiping my eyes
I wished that I was born in Bethlehem,
and could conjure Heaven to earth effortlessly
with a paradisal kiss
but we walked past each other
anonymously unsaved
on Georgetown University’s campus
hoping for a night’s redemption before the morning sunrise
of singleness.  

-------------/Matthew 4:18-22
And Jesus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brethren, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers. And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. And they straightway left their nets, and followed him. And going on from thence, he saw other two brethren, James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, in a ship with Zebedee their father, mending their nets; and he called them. And they immediately left the ship and their father, and followed him.

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