Sunday, January 6, 2013

Our Young Story (Mighty Men)

---------------------/A Young Story

We are young, and the earth is
lush and green verdant with possibility in visions
dreaming we see ourselves ethereally
life, simply, our fantasy envisioning all that in the morning
we could accomplish. There is no polymorphic ant
no winged creature with animal face and human torso
just expansive sky, handsome ruddy man voluptuous vibrant
woman who wanders wondering watching the wondrous sun
rise         in the wilderness
pondering, smiling at fate
history is plain and bare, a story as yet untold a lineage yet to be written
children yet to bear our names hopeful for their happiness
and the heavens admire our innocence
shared naiveté and paucity of Satanic cynicism
divisiveness that bearded God’s throne before
human laughter in the place of waged war waylaid emotions
in that sense we are a gift to be opened
a meal yet to be eaten, lips yet to be kissed
it is the lust for Promise
a flirtation with an alteration in destiny that the angels envy
fleshly tangible touch the ecstasy of exhalation of created air
arousal and euphoria, orgasm and the glimpse garish
of the flitting female gaze
breasts to succor the unknown
that would send a spirits of another dimension swooping
sweat from a phantom’s brow, so to speak spontaneous passion
 to right all wrongs past and straighten the crooked demise
of consequence’s hell
and upon first glance and nervous heartbeat
sex with angels is the denouement that all of early creation
anticipated: mystery
and a chance to write stories whose memory will create a legacy
our footprints and handprints on eternity
         a (giant) romance with the gods forever

--------------Genesis 6:4

There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown

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