Tuesday, December 11, 2012

To Be Free

[The setting: Tony, Moses and Aaron are huddled before Pharaoh’s throne conferencing and consensus building on how best to request freedom for the Israelites. Six burly, grizzled, and fierce Egyptian soldiers (who have fixed their searing critical gaze on the huddled men) flank the throne, three on the left and three on the right sides. Pharaoh’s throne room is ornate and bedecked with innumerable colored stones, diamonds, and gold vessels. A thin strip of silk carpet dyed vivid purple running lengthwise across the room seduces visitors from the outer courtyard to the feet of the guards. Golden clamps secure torches birthing effulgent flames. Magicians adorned in gaudy, colorful robes (nervously clasping thick sycamore staffs with bronze tips)  and with faces painted stare stoically at Moses and Aaron. ]

Tony (downright giddy from being in the presence of Moses and Aaron): what up my nuggahs!??? Nah mean? (looking at Moses) What it do BABY BOY????!!!

Aaron (looking at Tony with a look as chagrinned as it is confused, but addressing Moses): Listen, let us be strong. No fear, the Lord shall be with us. Our people…they suffer….they need deliverance.

Moses (battling anxiety): *sigh* Such a domineering presence, what shall we say? What if…what if…..

Tony (sporting a condescending smirk): maaaaane! (yelling) FORGET THAT PUNK!!! What! What! Man, we gonna run up in dere, beat that bast- …oops…beat that bamma DOWNNNN!!! YOU DON’T WANT IT PHARAOH YOU DON’T WANT IT!!!! RG3! RG3! MVP! M-V-P!!! WE FITTIN TO BEAT YOU DOWN CLOWN!!!!     
(Pharaoh’s guards, alarmed by Tony’s bombastic threats begin to advance towards the group while raising their short swords)

Aaron (beside himself with frustration at Tony’s actions, yelling): HOLD IT! HOLD IT!!! Give us a few more minutes! Forgive the idiot in our presence, he is drunk!!!
(Tony rolls his eyes at Aaron. Moses glares at Tony indicating his wish for Tony to tone down his flamboyant behavior)

Moses (palms trembling): okay, before things get worse (looking askance at Tony), lets approach Pharaoh. Our people need emancipation, they need salvation from all these ills that have befallen them at his grotesque oppressive hands!

Tony (blushing and hanging his head): my bad son…..my bad!!!!

-----------------------------/To Be Free; Moses' and Aaron's Appeal to Pharaoh

When the guards of our oppressor fall asleep I drop my pick
resting my back sit on a sizeable rock and stare at the moon
in the distance, in the communal lodging my wife’s voice
soft serenades regarding Abraham’s wealth seducing my sons
into slumber
into slumber delusional
my people don’t believe in Isaac anymore he is fictitious like geysers
in the Egyptian desert I used to see before fainting on tools
(as a boy enduring furtive valleys lush verdant foliage of suffering
in a foreign land barren bland sand endlessly perceived even with strained eyes
searching for freedom, a land of our own
dreaming of rushing rivers
with the appellation home, home given the epithet
of foreign land. Israel is just a colloquial term these days
reserved for those optimistic the minority who don’t contemplate suicide
then Egypt isn’t Egypt even, just land of the dead)
my friends holding me up, lest I dash my head upon a stone
full of melancholy dragging yet again my body exhausted into shade
for reprieve
from the sun we only know as sinister; for we had shades of royalty
yet when we speak of Joseph your guards flay our backs and adjure us
chuckling cruel
to lift and dig and build more and more and nurse our intimacy with searing heat
sweating out the last of our souls, hollow
when we lift our picks, we imagine your face as we shrill
bemoaning our loss of identity
bread with mold rats defiant maggots that disfigure cattle
malnutrition, my children with birth defects preventable
our women shamed and hideous in the eyes of Egyptian maidens
our dissonance with our God; our search for meaning always hellacious…
during our trials we often hear murmuring and obeisance of the privileged:
Pharaoh is god
yet what deity is so maleficent as to steal promise
and hope from a haggard people who have no inheritance but this
does god indeed have a heart so black?

(Please, let us go)

--------------Exodus 7:1-2

And the Lord said unto Moses, See, I have made thee a god to Pharaoh: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet. Thou shalt speak all that I command thee: and Aaron thy brother shall speak unto Pharaoh, that he send the children of Israel out of his land.

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