Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Drowning an Old Pervert – I am The Damned, Flooded

* dedicated to C* who is an impossibility….my desire for you contagion. Sense and sensibility will flood my earth, sense and sensibility will flood my earth. Why do you have to be 20?

(here we go, ladies and gentlemen…time for some serious emo!!! *sigh* YOU KNOW HOW I DO!!!)

------------------/Drowning an Old Pervert – I am The Damned, Flooded

The palpability of our love, antediluvian
fantasies of you and me, a corrupt earth wicked
conniving charlatanry , mauling maladies, dire deceit
men robbing, men cruel, women heartless
 the visions of me running my fingers through your hair
like a belligerent civilization filled with violence
sour flesh rotted teeth and a 20 year old girl with a 31 year old man
censured chastised and condemned
inciting clouds onyx fog black like soot smoke rising from the earth
in its appearance, your father your friends your brothers, sisters are fire
their vengeful tears like rain
their vengeful tears like rain
the suggestion of us marrying harrowing peals of thunder
I am like a forsaken remnant soon to be forgotten standing
on rocks and high cliffs, as my hopes of dating you
float by like animals flung by wrathful torrents
I will be waylaid by perceptions of desperate men who prey
on young girls praying for a husband gullible
lightning flashes my wretched scorned face illumined before
flood waters up to my nose
drowned by your beauty your red hair
our age incongruity

(I reach my hand up penetrating the waves before I suffocate…and wave goodbye to our future together - maybe we were meant to fall in love, in a past life)

------------------Genesis 6:11-13
The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth. And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.

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