Thursday, July 12, 2012

Wo man

*Dedicated to Fabolous, You Be Killin Em

Yall know Im girl crazy right? But I think all the fellas can agree - I dont have a choice!

----------------/Woman; Adam's Thoughts In The Garden As He Watches Eve Presented To Him

In Paradise all of life is grass and hollow winds
when the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air witness to the sun
side by side reassured, eyelids shut in gestures of appreciation
solidarity with their Creator
I pay homage to deception, the moon. deep sighs and silent tears
for inertia
I have no language, no identity no distinctness no desire
to eat from the tree of life for existence is just another in a long
succession of exhalations of angst
a soul's dirge for meaninglessness that my pride refuses to join in
at night shrill echoes of denials
of that now seemingly dubious assessment that life is good

Prayers for a dream of a dawning of consciousness
a spiritual yearning for validation manifested
for honesty's bright rays of beauty to shine a light
on the dilapidated doldrums of the depression of loneliness
in a garden trumped up as bliss...
for wounds to be dressed in areas of limitation
(lower back, upper shoulder, psychological myopia)

And I have seen mountain ridges seemingly dance before
breathtaking flashes of the sunrise, and morning mist - giant
majestic birds spread their wings above, their intricate design of feathers
an alluring mosaic dedicated to morality; swirling clouds luminescent
illumined by aggregations of bright dazzling heavenly stars
shouting for sacred serenity....But I need mesmerization
show me breasts of zealous ambition for titillating pursuits
forever enchanting
startle me with wide hips that beckon and yearn for a community
and time invested in its continuance
soft lips that not only speak but mystify in their intuition
that understand me perspicaciously
in ways I never foreknew
beguile me with round thighs that whisper to me
"you never want to be alone" long hair that inspires obeisance
when extended
and flitting enticing eyes that suggest destiny,
that together we can conquer the previously known world, now changed

bone of my bone flesh of my flesh
lets create, destroy the world together
never to be apart

-----------Genesis 2:17-23
But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him. And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man

---You be Killin Em Lyrics

Yo, what's up girl? Ain't gotta ask it
I dead 'em all now, I buy the caskets
They should arrest you or whoever dressed you
Ain't gon' stress you but I'mma let you know

Girl, you be killin' 'em, you be killin' 'em
Girl, you be killin' 'em, you be killin' 'em
Girl, you be killin' 'em, you be killin' 'em
Girl, you be killin' 'em

You ain't gotta worry about her, shorty straight
Been chasing her for 2 days, first 48
A bad b* cost, she worth every cent
She look like the best money that I ever spent

Just watching my cutie pie get beautified
Make me want better jewels, a newer ride
Louis Vuitton shoes, she got too much pride
Her feet are killing her, I call it shoe-icide

Looking good has its sacrifices
Chilly weather bring 4 figure jacket prices
Her body nice, face dime
Give you that iPhone 4, face time

Shorty in the streets, still handle the home
Enough class for wine, still handle Patron
When them other ho's call, I hand her the phone
And she hand 'em the tone

Yo what's up, girl? Ain't gotta ask it
I dead 'em all now, I buy the caskets
They should arrest you or whoever dressed you
Ain't gon' stress you but I'mma let you know

Girl, you be killin' 'em, you be killin' 'em
Girl, you be killin' 'em, you be killin' 'em
Girl, you be killin' 'em, you be killin' 'em
Girl, you be killin' 'em

Yeah, I know that's what they all says
She gotta donkey with a Juan Valdez
Keep it clean, cut like bald heads
Been playin' with that green long as Paul Pierce

So you gotta ball harder than them ball players
All she wanna know is there a mall near us
Can't fault her, the last nigga spoiled her
But he ain't beat it up, I assault her

Should've seen her come to me when I called her
Slow strut like she walking to the altar
Hand bag on her arm cost four bills
And she ain't gotta beg, borrow, or steal

Often imitated, never duplicated
They say she a dime, I say she underrated
I just met her so the next solution
Dead my old chick, execution

Yo, what's up, girl? Ain't gotta ask it
I dead 'em all now, I buy the caskets
They should arrest you or whoever dressed you
Ain't gon' stress you but I'mma let you know

Girl, you be killin' 'em, you be killin' 'em
Girl, you be killin' 'em, you be killin' 'em
Girl, you be killin' 'em, you be killin' 'em
Girl, you be killin' 'em

(You be killin' 'em)
Had to let you know
(You be killin' 'em)
(You be killin' 'em, girl, you be killin' 'em)

To all the ladies
(You be killin' 'em)
I'd like to congratulate you
(You be killin' 'em)
(You be killin' 'em, girl, you be killin' 'em)

And you just came from the gym clothes
In a fitted cap and some Timbo's
And a pair of flats, well trimmed toes
Camera in the mirror, B.B.M. pose

Still killin' 'em ho's
You still killin' 'em ho's
You still killin' 'em ho's

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