Monday, July 9, 2012

Peter (Walking towards a [Buxom] Green Eyed Ghost)

*dedicated to Alesana, Annabel

I'll be succinct here. Jennifer you know Im crazy about you, but also that Im aware of the fact that you've since moved on after my vulnerable and dedicated declaration of my love for you. Its been years. So why did we cross paths a few weeks ago; a portal to a lapse in time....when I looked into your green eyes and fell on my knees. Are...are you a ghost? Im afraid. Im afraid I still want you (almost 6 years later)? JE-SUS awww baby!

-----------/Peter - A Ghost (In Rockville)

In a boat of loneliness on the fourth watch of the night of waning
desperation is where you left me when we last spoke
memories of your green eyes, symmetrical face and buxom chest like winds
contrary to my utmost yearnings for love requited
you left me rocking
you left me unsteady
in dire straights and unfit to see the morning (of hope
of you falling for me too)
I gave you my love a note penned with the ink of utmost sincerity
and fear and in return you walked away tantamount to retorting
a death wish in the rocky waters of dating you left me to
schizophrenia are my only companions you have reduced me to twelve
fragments of my former self, your disciples now of varying temperament
and belief bickering
should I continue in my adoration of you? Should I panic and jump overboard
and sink to an inglorious romantic end
were the thoughts raging and ricocheting in my mind when we
by fate (destiny?) crossed paths two weeks ago
Jennifer, I am troubled when I see you now
it causes me to question my sanity and objectivity and full of equivocation
was your rejection of me real, or when our eyes met was I hallucinating
the pretty beguiling eyes of a ghost
because I do get horny and I do get lonely and I just want to know your kiss
and none of me was astute enough to bring a paddle
to row back to the shore of closure, of letting go
(the waves are too violent, besides)
the most noble part of me wants to chase after you and walk on water
of the impossibility that your feelings for me may have changed
and that you are the Savior of the World
(of my heart)

[Jennifer, I would drop everything and come running to you if you ever came calling. I miss the exhilaration of falling in love with you. I made myself so vincible with you....I gave you my heart...but also the power of a knife to kill it)

Matthew 14:23-26, 28
And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, he was there alone. But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves: for the wind was contrary. And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea. And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit; and they cried out for fear. And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water.

----Alesana - Annabel Lyrics

How does the dagger feel now when you're on the receiving end?
If this is what you call betrayal.
Then this is what I call revenge.

How could I be so blind?
I guess I fell in love too quickly...
But I'm fine.

Imagine where you'd be now if you only knew.
The one you love is the one who's killing you.
I trusted you too much.
I know now that I should have kept my eyes wide open.
The first time that we kissed.
I'll bury you for this.

Just say to me that this time is the last time.
And I'll pretend that somehow I know we'll be fine.

Years spent watching in silence as your illness spilled onto page.
Those were the last days I spend with you.
Before you left, before he came.

How could I be so blind?
I guess I fell in love too quickly...
But I'm fine.

Imagine where you'd be now if you only knew.
The one you love is the one who's killing you.
I trusted you too much.
I know now that I should have kept my eyes wide open.
The first time that we kissed.
I'll bury you for this.

Just say to me that this time is the last time.
And I'll pretend I'm fine.
[ Lyrics from: ]
Oh It is my fault?
You fell into that illusion you've been living discretely.
Oh Should I blame you in the end?
Did you ever think the sketches would take over completely?
(Oh is it my fault)
(Oh is it my fault)

Just die!
You are scum!
You are filth!
Choke on blood as your knife ends the show! Write in pain you thought you'd

Never know!
I don't think they dig graves close enough to hell for the likes of you!
I don't think they dig graves close enough to hell for the likes of you!

I handed you a knife and my heart oh
I handed you a knife and my heart oh
And now the dream is over...
And now the dream is over...

I handed you a knife and my heart oh
I handed you a knife and my heart oh
And now the dream is over...
And now the dream is over...

How could I be so blind?
I guess I fell in love too quickly...
But I'm fine.

Imagine where you'd be now if you only knew.
The one you love is the one who's killing you.
I trusted you too much.
I know now that I should have kept my eyes wide open.
The first time that we kissed.
I'll bury you for this.

I handed you a knife and my heart oh
I handed you a knife and my heart oh
And now the dream is over...
And now the dream is over...

I handed you a knife and my heart oh
I handed you a knife and my heart oh
And now the dream is over... ohh
And now the dream is over...

I handed you a knife and my heart oh
I handed you a knife and my heart oh
And now the dream is over... ohh
And now the dream is over...

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