Thursday, July 5, 2012

Haters Need To Repent!!!

Ayo JEZUS!!!! wut...UP...SON??? We back up in this joint - nah mean??? So yeah, I gotz to admit, I took a little nap nah mean? I GOT SOME SLEEP! YAY-YAYEEEE!!! I TOOK A FEW MONTHS OFF FROM BLOGGING TO GET MY HEAD STRIZ-AIGHT!!! AYO JEZUS!!!! So look man, deze katz out here be hating more than a you know what, NAH'M SAYING J??? Frankly, my dude, I find all the jealousy, snide remarks, and constant condescension wearisome, 4 reelz!! Im just trying to live my life, nahm saying and these dudes (and dudettes) just be trying to foil any plans I have for my own success...minding my own business, ironically! I didz nothing to inconvenience or perturb anyone! Well now, YOUVE ENCROACHED ON THE WRONG PERSON'S TERRITORY! You haters have roused me out of my peaceful blogging slumber cranky and irritable! (AND MY BREATH STINKS!! OOO YOURE GONNA PAY NOW!!!) You hate me huh? WELL I HATE THAT YOU HATE ME!!! HUUUHHHH!!! Listen, you jealous hater type cats got me all frothy, kid! Im foaming out of my sheeshin' mouth!!! Guess what? You can shoot me, but you cant kill me - God is my Father, punks....and therefore: I am eternal!!! GGRRRRRR!!! I AM....FROTHING AT THE MOUTH...!!!!! I AM A BLOGGING RABBID DOG!!! RUFF RUFF!!!

Dis one is dedicated to Jesus, aka Jeezy for sheezy, aka The Crowned Don, aka Jebus Christ, aka Jebus in Da HOOOOOOUUUSSEEE! HOLY SPIRIT! fill me up son, I need help on writing this one!!!

Hay - Hay - Hay- Tony Conti Haters! Listen up!!!

-------------/Repent: My July 2012 Thoughts As Jesus Exhaling His Last Breaths

You are Roman Soldiers blind
in your loyalty to a maniacal demigod your psyche displaced
with death's daily and dire deception, maddening manipulation your minds
nestled on polarity, incongruously accepting the notion that
a spear driven
into the side of the innocent, blood spilled as cruelly as it is unjustly
assures you of fine wines in jewel encrusted cups in Hades
toasting to your former days of youthful glory here never fading
that Jupiter will cup your face in his mighty redoubtable hands
and affirm you with robust words, that Venus might seduce
and kiss and make love to you forever.....
musing airily while the ear piercing cracking of your whips
on my back are
transmuted as cymbals faintly played by cupid, Minerva overseeing
and smiling at your procession to godhood in your misguided fantasies
whilst, back in the objective experiential world the smiles are
mine, masochistic
whilst the crowds of Jews of your pernicious desires for me laugh
and mock and the women of your inner need for histrionics weep
wailing for the emptiness in your souls as a chronic disease untreatable
(you will never become me, or simulate my success)
disguised as a drawn out homage to my shameful defeat
yet all of your harsh arsenal is deployed in vain: the futility of
the crown of thorns perforating and abrading my skull
I AM restive
frothing at the mouth and grinning sinisterly the nails in my hands
the nails spiritedly driven in my feet especially
spawn a joyous jolt of fervor throughout my body you may mistake
for the excruciating convulsions,
of a flaccid limp soul dying to this world beneath the weight of your
pompous impregnable wrath
yet this is apoplectic giddy ritual, frenzied tribal dance preparation
for my return in splendid and irresistible Glory
although you may harangue me for a time, I will never die
my hope and my mirth and my peace are eternal
the Caesar you wish to honor is the Caesar you kill
yet it is too late to amend your mistakes

(when you see me again you will be on your knees in involuntary obeisance)

Matthew 27:27-30;46: "Then the soldiers of the procurator took Jesus into the praetorium, and gathered together about him the whole cohort. And they stripped him and put on him a scarlet cloak; and plaiting a crown of thorns, they put it upon his head, and a reed into his right hand; and bending the knee they mocked him, saying "Hail, King of the Jews!" And they spat on him, and took the reed and kept striking him on the head." And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” that is, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”

Romans 14:11 For it is written: “As I live, says the LORD, Every knee shall bow to Me, And every tongue shall confess to God.”

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