Wednesday, February 29, 2012


---------/Satanic Influence....SATAN DROPS BY

The setting [Tony's room in Gaithersburg, MD a rectangular 250 square foot abode furnished with a queen size mattress pressed against the west wall, without a bed frame, two small bookshelves (one bedecked with a TV) against the north wall (an arms reach from the bed) just beneath the lone worn window and there is a small refrigerator lying against the east wall three feet removed from the closet. The walls are bare, but after a brief glance one can make the indubitable assessment that the room is in total discombobulation. Piles of shoes clutter the floor between the fridge and the closet, assorted books and magazines, and a playstation 2 deface the bed thrown between crumpled up mismatched comforters and 4 pillows with t-shirts as pillowcases. The wood panel floor is largely occupied by the furniture veiled from view, but the portions that are visible are speckled with papers and loosely organized containers of spare change and toiletries. Tony is busy playing Grand Theft Auto San Adreas, his back leaned against the wall sitting on his bed]

Satan [sneaking beside Tony, gently opening the door]: TURN OFF GRAND THEFT AUTO!!!

Tony [startled]: EEK! (whipping his head around he recognizes Satan and calms down partly) but...but..b b but I thought you liked this game??? (cowering)

Satan [smirking then laughing]: ha ha! Nah bro Im just f**&*ing with you. Go head and get your game on son* Blast that muthaf***/er! Kill em! Kill em! Destroyyyyyyyy CJ FOOL!

Tony [awkardly]: ehh....Thanks bro

Satan: So have you been masturbating and drinking copious amounts of beer and watching pornography like I (speaking in a sarcastic tone) passionately, so kindly, pleaded with you to do then due to your obstinate disposition, commanded you to do the last time we convened??!!! (Satan casts a cutting glance at Tony, captiously awaiting any hint of insubordination)

Tony [sheepishly]:, like I dont want to do those things anymore. Jesus says that to look at a woman with lust is..


[Satan smacks Tony with the back of his left hand, drawing blood. Tony slumps over laying his head on his pillow grimacing in pain]

Tony [despondent and dejected]: ...nothing...I aint say nothing man (sits up wiping blood from his nose)

Satan [sardonically]: ha! THATS WHAT I THOUGHT! what is there to eat around here, swine??

Tony [his head down]: ....I dont.. I dont really have much except moldy bread and spoiled milk

[Satan dashes to the fridge stomping over the bed and forcefully throws said items on Tony's bloody face]

Satan: UNACCEPTABLE! WHEN SATAN COMES TO YOUR HOUSE HE BETTER GET A GOOD MEAL!!! ....remember that next time (or else I'll pimp smack the nigger out of you again, boy)

Tony: yes..yes sir

Satan: Now why did you summon me here? You know I must always be mission driven, out and about prowling for more victims; in fact I was en route to an abortion clinic before being diverted here, so all the most reason your beckoning better prove to be a pressing need! And choose your words carefully, you know what I will do with an unsatisfactory response! (snarling)

Tony [gulping affectedly]:....well....well... Judas...J-Judas...

[Satan's eyes light up with a twinkle of joyful terror at the sound of the name]

Satan [grinning]: yeeeesssss! what about him?!

Tony: I...I...was just wondering what his interior monologue was just before he betrayed Jes....I mean...him

Satan: good catch, by the way...boooy I wouldve smacked the black off you...but that all?

Tony [closing his eyes and wincing , bracing for a potential blow]:.....

Satan (agitated): I SAID.....IS.....THAT.....ALL????

Tony [trembling]:....(softly) yes?

Satan [chuckling] problem bud!!! I got you Tony! ol buddy ol pal ol buddy ol pal! (fully smiling)

[Satan begins to leave the room, turning his back on Tony]

Tony [relieved].....(sighing)...thanks

Satan[quizzically]: (pausing to turn his head) Thanks...... what? (moving his hands in a circular fashion before his mouth gesturing that Tony speak up) WHAT DO YOU CALL ME? WHAT DO ALLLL MY SUBJECTS CALL ME?????

Tony: Thanks Mast--

(To be continued)

The Last Disciple

*dedicated to Dashboard Confessional, This Bitter Pill
Dashboard Confessional Yo! This Bitter Pill!!! (An elegy for Judas?)

* dedicated to Whitechapel, Prayer of Mockery
WhiteChapel - Prayer of Mockery Song! Listen Here!!!

------------/The Last Disciple: The Thoughts Of Judas Before Satan Possessed Him

I hear your words but there isnt language anymore just sounds the verbiage
of desolation and my conscience now the winnowing fork of truth sifting
madness and folly, authenticity the overwhelming sense a people
unwittingly defrauded enveloping the totality of my thoughts. Relations
irreparably debased in a room rented supposedly not swindled wine
and bread placed; an ornate table host of gregarious musings whilst
the poor Jews and our enslaved souls writhe. Liberation languishing
loathe to wait any longer seizing the opportunity the brave man
does not cannot cease from action if just one depraved decadent
denizen can be made fat, Pharisees waiting time is frittering....
time fritters
away. Sighs eyes closed sentiments betrayed out of necessity
callous choices for greater good silver pieces exchanged the glory
of Rome diminished, the immediate bonds of twelve men ransomed
for ultimate happiness will mend all wounds
wipe away tears from every trodden eye
crucifixion must be the catalyst for change blood spilled shrills
(required of a new order)-
of the misunderstood at best, deceitful master at worst
a field for my troubles, I traipse one last time destined for the Sanhedrin
a military coup perhaps.
Staring into the Condemned' eyes hollow reflection imperceptible
only angst turned inward the unthinking sheep loafing on
his bosom juxtapositions of two world governments contentment
to die and unrestful to live and ten too obtuse to differentiate the two
eating sop a tribute to a past life satiated
No more bread of placation procrastination and peaceful humiliation
no more wine of dallying excuse but revolution a ritual resignation
a man
but a 'hungry disciple' no more

-----John 13:20-30
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that receiveth whomsoever I send receiveth me; and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me. When Jesus had thus said, he was troubled in spirit, and testified, and said, Verily, verily, I say unto you, that one of you shall betray me. Then the disciples looked one on another, doubting of whom he spake. Now there was leaning on Jesus' bosom one of his disciples, whom Jesus loved. Simon Peter therefore beckoned to him, that he should ask who it should be of whom he spake. He then lying on Jesus' breast saith unto him, Lord, who is it? Jesus answered, He it is, to whom I shall give a sop, when I have dipped it. And when he had dipped the sop, he gave it to Judas Iscariot, the son[ of Simon. And after the sop Satan entered into him. Then said Jesus unto him, That thou doest, do quickly. Now no man at the table knew for what intent he spake this unto him. For some of them thought, because Judas had the bag, that Jesus had said unto him, Buy those things that we have need of against the feast; or, that he should give something to the poor. He then having received the sop went immediately out: and it was night.

-----Prayer of Mockery lyrics
Open up your eyes
Prove the point that is sworn to me
Even blind ones see through your story
Begin on me oh mighty one
Destroy me with the powers that be
I'm still standing here
My heart still beats a million strong
I'm calling you out, prove to your followers that you exist
Bring down your fury like the scriptures document
Judge me
Tell me that I am not worthy for you
Bring down your fury like the scriptures document
Judge me
Tell me that I am not worthy for you
Rid me from this hell you've created and wipe my slate clean
Blind me with your light as though you never wanted me to see
Still I find myself waiting for the answers to come
My patience is wearing thin once again
Wipe my slate clean
Wipe my slate clean
Wipe my slate clean
When the trumpet sounds your so called second coming
Am I supposed to be trembling in fear
Wipe my slate clean
Wipe my slate clean
Wipe my slate clean
Thou shalt not bear false witness

----This Bitter Pill Lyrics

Walking away.
It's not the same as running.
Is it to you now
that you've run this in the ground?
And you say take this.
This medicine is just what you deserve.
Swallow, choke and die.
And this bitter pill is leaving you with such an angry mouth.
One that's void of all discretion
such an awful tearing sound.
With its measure only equaled by the power of my stare
glaring over you and over you this feeling of despair
is never wearing out.

It's wearing off
and it's leaving you with such a heavy heart
and a head to match.
The bottle is waiting
the cap is twisted
begging to be used
and so are you.

And this bitter pill is leaving you with such an angry mouth.
One that's void of all discretion such an awful tearing sound.
With its measure only equaled by the power of my stare
glaring over and over you this feeling of despair
is never wearing out.
wearing out, wearing out, wearing out, wearing out, wearing out

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


* Dedicated to Alesana, The Fiend
Check out Alesana Live Yall!!!!! WOO-HOO MY FAVE BAND

*Dedicated to Casey, a contemporary of mine at Towson University back in the day, who I perceived had a strong attraction for me that ultimately went unrequited due to my own personal afflictions independent of her. I feel a sense of regret that I was not man enough to have clarity of conscience in regards to how I felt, or should have felt for her at that time. I could have entered a fruitful relationship with her (I could see in her eyes she would have willingly fallen in love with me)....but I ended up allowing that potential to wane and then completely dissipate, mostly out of frustration at the emotional confusion I was mired in at the time unsettled on what I wanted in a woman, or myself. Its just that I didnt want to be with her, only to eventually admit to her I was a bewildered little boy afraid to commit because he was afraid to mature and realize a good thing in front of his face in opposition to all the lust around him. I was blind, and didnt want to lead her into a ditch....since she had no clue about nor could see what interior struggles haunted me. But now Im in a ditch...of loneliness.....D'OH!!!!!!

------------/A Lover's Obscurity

Towson was Nazareth together with sandals of naive passion
we kicked up our heels staring into each other's eyes, a plume of dust
spurred by angst from my feet obfuscated what love meant. Fragments
of dirt, mixed signals, afflicting our gaze you luring me into seduction
me coming close yet at the eleventh hour doing an about-face but
chasing after me we're both lost. Eyelids shut dreaming of a Savior
a man of 33 years trolling Galilee ameliorating romantic pain, abandonment
is demon possession in college dorms, tears leprosy, deemed less worthy
an issue of blood cured by this Christ...this notion of falling in love
madly. Walking
in the ominous formation of ill fated lovers the ditch of opportunities wasted
groans of the souls scarred echo in the chamber
of hollowed earth those damned to muse wistful on things that will never be
that will never ever be
just yards before us, only moments in time before we both stumble
stranded with animus in perpetuity. But I can hear the Lord's voice
prudent guidance from a heart all wise all knowing intent on being
for the sins men and women commit irreparably damaging one another
cradling your chin I kiss your lips and hands tilting the shoulder
nearest directing you away, closer to prosperity and further from me
a path more appropriate more deserved for you my appreciation and laud
notwithstanding - I carry your memory with me always
for following is the seeking and pursuit of death
at least until I can clearly see

-------Luke 6:39-40
And he spake a parable unto them, Can the blind lead the blind? shall they not both fall into the ditch? The disciple is not above his master: but every one that is perfect shall be as his master.

-------The Fiend Lyrics
Blessed smoke bellows from the beast!!!!
Bow to the gears and worship the machine!!!

Is it so?
This can't be happening......
Why can't they see?
Seas of children are bound, gagged, and led into the flames!!!!

Blind are leading the blind into a disaster!
I'm the only one who seems to care!
If you decide to worship the chaos,
I will not wait and watch as you burn.

All must kneel before the alter, the veiled will be exalted!!
We are the flock!!
They do not hear a word I say.
In the God's harbor all shall rest, become part of the master!!
We are devine!!
I can not save them all!

Blind are leading the blind into a disaster!
I'm the only one who seems to care!
If you decide to worship the chaos,
I will not wait and watch as you burn.

(I will not wait and watch as you burn.)

Should we go?
They all seem so content.
We should go and become part of him.

I need you to trust me now.
Don't move, I'll figure this out.
Forget what anyone said.
Just take my hand or we'll both be dead.

Blind are leading the blind into a disaster!
I'm the only one who seems to care!
If you decide to worship the chaos,
I will not wait and watch as you burn.

(I will not wait and watch as you burn.)

They'll never be able to see that they grave this captivity

Thursday, February 23, 2012

A Ravishing Resurrection (I Heart Amanda Seyfried - Will She Marry Me?)

*dedicated to my favorite Celeb crush!


Man, I was about to be all crying and stuff cuz no girl wanted me on Feb 14, 2012...then I saw Amanda Seyfried and thought better of it!


Amanda, baby, miserable I meandered melancholy
in my own myopic self pity engendered by romantic rejection aimlessly
(perennially alone on Valentine's day, unreciprocated advances always)
whilst your beauty, your movies excelled in public renown
a prophet of Jehovah refashioning a wild and wily wanton land into
Wonder...[miracles*] in the spirit of Elijah yet my numb negligence
was your funeral my consciousness and my consideration ignorant
and callously buried you.
My merciless disconsolation, angst marauding malefic Moabites
overtook me overcome with grief and sorrow; closing my eyes
(wondering what it would be like to kiss a girl, to hold her waist dancing
fingers through her blond hair running) holding my breath composing
a dirge in my head as they, with iron shovels of heartlessness
and savagery dug indiscriminately as they so often do with pitiful men
destined to die lonely, mechanically ready to seize another victim.
A sword of despair hastily thrusted into my side haphazardly
slung into a sepulcher as they lustily pursued a band of men
deemed more worthy to torment, and kill with tales of women
actually loving their men. But unbeknownst to them, baby,
this forlornness foisted me upon the bones of your memory:
reminiscences of my zeal for you, my enticement, my fervor
recollections of your sexy personas on the big screen
was like fire in my soul, a rush of passionate blood throughout my lifeless
body revived. The prospect of seeing you in your movie Gone
made me stand up on my feet.



*- box office sales, sex symbol status, throngs of screaming crowds at your premiers

-----------2 Kings 13:20-21
And Elisha died, and they buried him. And the bands of the Moabites invaded the land at the coming in of the year. And it came to pass, as they were burying a man, that, behold, they spied a band of men; and they cast the man into the sepulchre of Elisha: and when the man was let down, and touched the bones of Elisha, he revived, and stood up on his feet.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Age Old Numbness (Sloth Of The Heart)

*dedicated to Senses Fail "Bonecrusher"
* Dedicated to JacieyO, Marydee

How's this for a pre valentine's day ditty? Dedicated to all men who have made mistakes and hurt (broke hearts of) women who didnt deserve it

-----------/My Heart In Antiquity Numb; The Thoughts Of The Proverbs' 'Slothful' Man

Staring silently at the ceiling somber wistful wayward wanderings
of imagination you told me nothing could unravel love's cords.
(especially those binding us)
The sun sets outside my window face sunken scowling and slinking
below the horizon, shaming me for my affection for you; the stars shrill
skewering in miserable rays of the maddening moon mandating I mire
my mind in opportunities lost
(the mistakes I made mucking up your life)
I used to till the land tend to the flock thresh grain on the
threshing floor enthusiastically now all I do is drink wine wincing
whining at the woebegone reflection in feeding pools of sheep
wondering at the waning sound of your voice in his dreams. I consume
until I pass out, I smoke herbs until the world is one mass distortion
lying on the roadside vulnerable prey to canaanite horse
or philistine axe or bow stumbling over the goat of atonement
in temple I was to offer on your behalf the priest waits the fire stalls
smoke saturates the Holy of Holies unsatisfied. Aaron's Rod
serious intent for sin's sacrifice unslaked. (your unforgiveness)
The line of Hebrews elongates beyond outer court
at postponing their offerings longer...
I should send a message by horse courier to you asking for
reconciliation but the excessive narcotics and alcohol ransack
my will....I regress infinitely. Serenading myself to sleep with
crazed slurred sappy songs my face is in the dirt some ways off from
home disoriented. Will King Solomon provide solace for the heartbroken
will King David? My present has become my past and all I yearn for.
frail character slovenly, screaming your name out startling
the ravens, vultures encompassing me about delighted at the
disturbed man full of delirium - my hand on my bosom
to lethargic to bring it to my mouth

garbled speech grousing about genealogies (never joined)

--------Proverbs 19:24
A slothful man hideth his hand in his bosom, and will not so much as bring it to his mouth again.

----Senses Fail Bonecrusher Lyrics

I feel that city breathe at night
Beneath the stars and neon lights
And I've got nothing to lose

Drink up (drink up) drink up the loneliness
Drink up (drink up) drink up the loneliness

The streets outside, they burn with light
But I am dead on the inside
I think these pills are to blame

Drink up (drink up) drink up the loneliness
Drink up (drink up) drink up the loneliness

And I've got romantic ideas
But they're not meant for you
And my bed's filled with
Black roses to show that our love is through

I hope the fire licks my lips
And pulls me close against her hips
This town will go down in flames

Drink up, drink up, drink up the loneliness
Drink up, drink up, drink up the loneliness

And I've got romantic ideas
But they're not meant for you
And my bed's filled with
Black roses to show that our love is through

Like a broken mirror
They're pieces of me
Like a broken mirror
They're pieces of me
They're pieces of me
They're pieces of me now

Drink up (drink up) drink up the loneliness
Drink up (drink up) drink up my lonely
drink up my lonely
Drink up
Drink up the loneliness

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Protecting Blissful Ignorance

-----------------/God Approaching Incomprehensibility

A snapping twig is your remorse darkening retreating behind
the nearest bush bracing for predators preying on paranoia that
permeates all you do. Howling wolves beget shivering the cold winds
carrying their echoes callously interrupt your sleep gripped by angst
sleeping next to a woman you never can fully trust. Stones sharpened
serrated edges to save you and your family from savages slinking in shadows salivating at spilling blood you screaming and your sad fate seared into
subconscious thoughts of your grandchildren (and theirs). And
an innocence irreparably inflicted with pronounced and protracted cynicism
pessimism will become your native tongue grimacing grousing and growling
like the animals at Prospective Happiness your grim fate.
naked vulnerability will be weakness, clothing will ennoble Dichotomization
You will feel the full spectrum of emotions from the most bitter hatred to
the heights of jovial elation at falling in love
but these will be indiscriminately tainted with encompassing awareness
all must suffer loss
and every joyous beginning a somber end and with scars at all good things
taken whether accepted in due time or not.
wickedness will reign and virtue will perish under its rule to your
confused chagrin and virtue will ever be partial to corruption cruelly fretting your soul knowing this potential rests in you will forever make you
Guilt will sleep with you and accompany and assist in every task greeting
you as your rise girding your loins as you retire cutting glances at the moon
you feel glares at you for your birth.
Pleasure will be your pain and pain will be your pleasure despising mankind
for knowing this world is all too complicated
and better left incomprehensible

(wishing a twig stepped on simply signaled the arrival of your God lovingly seeking you)

Genesis 2:16-17/ 3:8-10
And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden. And the Lord God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou? And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Seize (Of) Impossibility

Dedicated to a girl I met at a conference years ago (circa 2001) who challenged me to write about Peter, the only man other than Jesus who walked on water

And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea. And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit; and they cried out for fear. But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid. And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water. And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus. (Matthew 14:25-29)

-------------/I Sea Desert: The Thoughts Of Peter Before He Stepped Out The Boat Towards Jesus

The atmosphere is adversity the air acrid angst the clouds
(winds wildly wryly howling]
once tender tortuously terrorize, taunting your circumstances.
tenaciously twisting the timidity that's always beset you: you'll drown
the boat a barricade
a basket of bodies awaiting a burial boasting banishment
to the nether regions of Hades to any who step out. The water
wrathful waves wroth waiting just to call your bluff: you'll die weak
writhing lungs languishing leviathian lunging straightway...
And the surface of the deep is the daunting devil in dreams
you dared to defeat
in desperation closing
your eyes wishing for more, despite the improbability he scoffs
but you so passionately want to stomp on his head because the shore
is the promise you long made to yourself, you'd never die gripped by
cowardice but bode bravery into your bosom you want to stomp
on the sea still standing safely in serenity savoring the sounds
of salutation from sands
of victory (happiness, health, wealth, family, love, vocations)
because the man bobbling bass bait boorish never brazen is all you
used to be but disdain the wind is doubt the boat parameters paralyzing
fear preventing progress and if you dont step out nothing
will ever change
and if you dont risk this opportunity you destiny will never greet
a chance encounter lost
to latitudes and longitudes

(....and fishing nets forever empty)