Monday, July 17, 2017

The Discernment Of A Girl

* Spirit Of Jesus pray for me
* Luke, Peter, Holy Church pray for me
*  Dedicated to #Iamtheservantgirl

+------The Discernment Of A Girl; The Words Of The Servant Girl To Peter In The Chief Priest's Courtyard 

The crackling of thorns of
a courtyard’s fire…hammer of
Daedalus building, striking wood
and nail, your conscience,
the iron blade smoothing
mortar for tonight’s Labyrinth.
And your heart the Minotaur futilely,
frantically apace, tracing memory’s
cherished fingers across remorse-
brick haunted by lying. Back and forth.
I see it in your eyes, a soul
otherworldly; you’ve witnessed
things no one else has,
furrows in your brow of angst
of sorrow, attesting to it. You
twitch unconsciously, fearfully like
you know deep within…if that Man
dies in the priest’s house, you die.
Surely, you know Him.

------Luke 22:54-57
Then they seized him and led him away, bringing him into the high priest's house, and Peter was following at a distance. And when they had kindled a fire in the middle of the courtyard and sat down together, Peter sat down among them. Then a servant girl, seeing him as he sat in the light and looking closely at him, said, “This man also was with him.” But he denied it, saying, “Woman, I do not know him.

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