Friday, October 3, 2014

Silhouettes and Dreams

* Saint Joseph, pray for me
* dedicated to all those imprisoned unjustly
* dedicated to all men and women currently in jail

Hey guys, is it cool with you if I start calling Old Testament Joseph "Joe Diddly??" YO WHAT UP JOE DIDDLY!!!!

+----------------------/Silhouettes and Dreams (Joseph's Thoughts in Prison)

Poignant prophecy on prison walls
cast by fire, the breath of a stoic warden  
like a puppet master on stage pulling strings
of candlelight, variations of my fate
dancing warmly as Im lulled to sleep,
my free body jumping for joy in Pharaoh’s
courtyard or alternately convulsing
alone with tears,
the only rain we have prisoners have in jail,
our cheeks like grey skies
of the disconsolate.
As I come to
I see myself running free in Canaan
(in my coat of  vibrant colors),
the snoring of those at my right and left
the muffled voices of my brothers
bartering my life from the pit to perfidious men
cobbled together from spotty memory.
The flames seem to flare up in my rage,
like leviathan breathes fire from his nostrils
Pharaoh’s unjust wife-
the only scuffed, craggy stone on the wall
a fitting homage I dedicated to her,
then attenuate in grief
as the wick is pinched by the guard,
and leviathan lays languid beside me
my avatar of hope fading to black
in my bosom
dying silently in darkness.
Oh butler and baker brothers
of my bereavement,
when you are released
please don’t be remiss. Tell Jacob
I see him in silhouettes and dreams
I hear his whispers in the candle.

-------------------------------------Genesis 40:14-15
But think on me when it shall be well with thee, and shew kindness, I pray thee, unto me, and make mention of me unto Pharaoh, and bring me out of this house: For indeed I was stolen away out of the land of the Hebrews: and here also have I done nothing that they should put me into the dungeon.

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